
Leon/20/Opossum/*moaning and sighs intensifies*

An angsty, emo, sMeLLy opossum that has a vendetta against the world. He's pretty sarcastic and bitter, always complaining about something or giving someone the side eye. He's Vincent's right-hand man and really only hangs out with him. Most are surprised that Vincent likes him since they're pretty different when it comes to beliefs and things like that but they've been friends since childhood and they're just "used to" each other I guess. Leon's kinda gross mentally and physically tbh lmao. He has cuts all over his arms and he'll never tell you or anyone (besides Vincent maybe) how he got them. He's always tired and has very noticeable dark circles and bags around his eyes. He's always catching colds and other diseases and is usually seen with a snotty stopped up nose 90% of the time. He loves gore and dirty adult things. He's a bit of a womanizer and usually only uses women for sex (idunnowhothehellsfuckinghimtho) and almost seems incapable of love. He can actually be considered kinda sexist. He's also a bit homophobic in a way. Basically, he's not the westboro baptist church but he's pretty closed minded and one of those guys that say he's fine with gay people "as long as they don't hit on him" and may use gay as an insult from time to time. He's very pessimistic and never thinks highly of himself. Why did I make this character so weird and gross with pretty much zero pros? Idk man. His voice canon is Robbie from Gravity Falls. Proper bio TBA whenever I stop being lazy :').