Painter is such a cool talent, ive never seen it b4 how inspiring ♡♡♡

Yeah- and he’s not limited to one style either. He can do landscapes as well as Pollock inspired stuff. If you’d like to learn more about him, I’d love to chat in DMs.

Its alr u dont have 2 ^^ i have a few dms i need 2 keep in my sights but one day id love 2 learn more abt him, he seems very interesting !! ♡♡♡♡

Definitely. ^^ Would be interested to have him meet some of your kid Ultimates.

OOGGH ID LOVE THAT ♡♡♡ once im done w/ my owed art dms ill def dm u agin abt them meeting ♡♡♡

Sounds good. ^^