Emiko the Kind



7 months, 28 days ago


Name: Emiko

Age: 1 Year 7 Months (1 Year at submission) 

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Unknown!

Scent: Lavender 

Runs with: Lunar Creek Pack 

Rank of: Iota

Aspires: Theta (Long-term pipe-dream of an overly optimistic pup)

Mentor(s): Belladonna

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Personality: A bubbly female with a heart of gold would be the best way to describe Emiko. She’s always looking out for her pack members, even if that meant getting underfoot as a pup. Ever since she could walk she’d been interested in the healing arts and the duties of the Iota, always watching when one was at work or sneaking so she could watch and listen and absorb. The she-wolf spends whenever she can making friends or improving moods but when she isn’t doing this she’s usually found trying to listen and learn from the Iota from afar. In the evenings, it’s certainly not uncommon to find her in a clearing staring through the trees into the stars lost in thought or peacefully listening to the world around her. Emiko was born with strong senses; a nose that could sniff out the illness in her neighboring pup or she could hear and track the tiny things in the leaves around her like the little mice and voles in the ground. Emiko would do anything to help fix a helpless wolf; it doesn’t matter who they are to her as long as she can save them. Loyal to a fault to her pack and dedicated to the healing arts and learning everything she can to help. Unfortunately; she greatly dislikes and fears conflict. Being small and not-very strong she would rather use her agility and brain to get herself out of trouble; if freezing up didn’t kill her first.

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Likes: Helping wolves and making friends. She strives to learn to heal and hunt and take care of the sick and wounded around her. Emiko also loves food and staring at/watching the sky.

Dislikes: Conflict and death. She would rather smooth the situation over without fighting if possible. 

Strengths: Strong senses and quick reflexes. She’s optimistic in any situation and just wants to help and heal. Also great at thinking on her paws to find a solution without conflict.

Weaknesses: Not physically strong or big; scared of losing lives and being useless to her pack. Impulsive enough to go against orders if there’s a life on the line. Will do anything to save a life

Biggest Flaw: Freezes in a fight (scared of conflict) but also seems to find herself in trouble ALOT

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Mother: Lunara (birth mother; disastrous birth) 

Father: Eros (Lunar Creek Eta)

Siblings: 2 lost at birth

Mate: None


Blood: None

Adoptive: None

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Backstory: This little ray of moonlight had a hard start to life. Born to Lunara (a Sigma within Lunar Creek) under a full moon, she was the largest and strongest of her litter of 3. Unfortunately, the mother had grown weak due to illness in the days coming up to the birth and this had put her body in distress when labor started. She pushed through and held on long enough to birth three beautiful black and white puppies but the strain was too much and she wouldn’t stop bleeding. The first one held strong, crying out for food while nestling against the warmth of her momma’s belly. The other two were weak however; either affected by the illness or just born weak Emiko will never know. All she knew as time passed was that another one joined her, a brother, whining for food as well as they both tried nuzzling into their mother’s tummy. Lunara tried soothing her two children, nuzzling them in the right direction and cleaning them off as they figured out how to latch on. The next one hit, hard and painful. The pressure built up but there was no relief from the pain as she weakly pushed the last one out into the world with all her might. The pain didn’t pass until everything came out but she never noticed the after-birth. She was too caught up in the fact that… the last one wasn’t moving. Why wasn’t it moving? Or whining? Did i fail? As the Iota’s bustled around her, trying to sooth her, one sweeps the stillborn pup up gently and set the little bundle at her paws so she didn’t have to move, murmuring condolences. The she-wolf looked at all her puppies, overwhelmed with joy and grief and pain all at once… She licked all of them on the head, growing weaker and fading as there was nothing they could do to stop the bleeding. She was already weak from the previous days’ illness and there wasn’t anything left in her… They could only soothe and console as the female faded away.

Her curiosity and and impulsiveness has led to many a headache for the adults. At one point while still living in the pup den, she smelled an odd rotten smell off in the forest and had gotten curious. She followed her nose to find an old rotten carcass of a squirrel that was half buried in the leaves. Of course she didn’t think to tell anyone so when she snuck back into the pup-den, she was met with a whole camp full of mothers and Sigma’s frantically searching the area for the missing pup. Needless to say, she had been confined for a bit to the den and kept under watchful eye.

Emiko was luckily placed under the care of another female who had lost a pup not too long before and cared for by the other females and Sigma’s until she had weened and gained independence. She continued to be cared for but after being teased and told she was adopted and that her own parents died or didn’t want her, she never accepted another adult as a ‘parent’ but rather just more ‘caregivers’. After finally graduating up from the Pup den, she’s more willing now than ever to prove she could be useful to the pack and doesn’t let anything break her enthusiasm and optimism. 

Appearance: At a whopping 55lbs soaking wet and 24 inches at the shoulder, this little she-wolf isn’t much in a fight. Emiko is a small moon-white she-wolf with shadowy black markings stretched lazily across her body. Her paws, ears and underside were all an inky black while whispy shadows of black blotched her frame in a way that made it seem like the shadows being cast through the tree leaves by moonlight was attempting to swallow her whole. The young female has eyes as green as the fresh spring growth while the lovely, calming scent of lavender seems to follow her every pawstep. Her nose and paws and the skin beneath her coat was a marbled pink and black, adding to the look of the shadows eating at her existence though when you look at her, you could almost see the life pouring out of her like a lively beacon of hope. In the evenings, when she’s sitting in a clearing watching the stars, she could almost disappear in the dappled shadows on the forest floor.

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Attack: 6 (-4)

Defense: 6 (-4)

Agility: 13 (+3)

Senses: 15 (+5)

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Friends and Acquaintances: 

Cyanide-LC-Lambda (Raven): 

Packmate and friend

Bronwyn-LC-Psi (Bird): 

Had a lot of fun on the beach teaching her to skip rocks, would love to interact again sometime.

Tauri-LC-Beta (Null): 

Motherly aura, really likes this one and looks forward to future interactions

Auora-SO-Soldier (Wolf): 

An unlikely friend made from bringing two siblings together

Kaiva-LC-Eta (Kaiva): 

A puppy-crush and a possible friend made from bringing two siblings together

Belladonna-LC-Iota (Belladonna): 

Met during emotional turmoil, Emiko has proven her instinct to help and Belladonna had agreed to take her under wing and teach her the life of an Iota