Nightshade the Protective



10 months, 30 days ago


Name: Nightshade

Age: 2 Years 7 Months (2 Years 6 Months at submission)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Scent: Moss and Dirt 

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Runs with: Lunar Creek

Rank of: Eta

Aspires: Perfectly content 

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Nightshade is not the brightest berry on the bush. Where his brother got the brains, Nightshade got the brawn and had no problem using his superior size and muscle to throw anybody around. This being said, he's also the softest sweetheart one could ask for in a friend or lover. Affectionate, friendly, supportive and protective are usually the best terms for describing this young male. 

He loves his brother dearly and adores his nephew to the point where he could do no wrong in his eyes! As much as he may antagonize his brother, if anyone were to dare mess with Cyanide or Salem and they would have hell to pay for it. Every bit the Papa's Boy, he misses his family dearly and thinks of them often but the pain has lessened over the year and a half as he has come to terms with the fact that they were the only to survive. 

Nightshade is a young male that has fully developed into his large, Muscular body and his one track mind is easily derailed by a pretty face and the hormones that rule every young male after 2 years of age. Females are certainly his preference and he loses track of things very easily where one is involved. He would love a mate and family of his own someday, not one to hop around with his undying loyalty, but he also struggles to ignore his flirtatious nature when one walks through as he is currently untethered and on the hunt. 


  • His brother (he would do anything for him)
  • Pretty female's
  • Salem's adorable little face can't do no wrong! 



  • Anyone who bullies his brother
  • Hunting which requires too much thinking
  • Swimming



  • His size and strength helps him in lots of instances; most of them in defense of others (mostly his brother and nephew). 


  • He's not terribly smart so he's more of a brute-force kind of fella so he doesn't tend to think before diving into a situation. 
  • A pretty face will derail him easily
  • Salem

Biggest flaw: 

The bullheaded one-track-mind when it comes to his brother and nephew. Anything and everything will be thrown out the window where his brother is involved and this is very much an obvious weakness to anyone searching for one.

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Mother: Jewel the Loner (Dead NPC)

Father: Winter von Vogel of Silent Oak (Alive - Played by Trey)


Belle (Older Sis - Dead)

Cyanide (Older Bro - Played by Raven)

Mate: None

Pups: None

Other family: 

Salem (Nephew - played by Wolf)

Backstory: Born to a loving loner family, Nightshade's start was happy and perfect. He was the youngest of three born to Jewel and Winter; His sister Belle and brother Cyanide coming before him. They lived a content life as loners; eating and traveling on their own schedule. 

Somewhere around six moons old, they were having a pretty normal day. They had settled into a routine as the pups gained more strength to go further each day for food or enrichment. Today was no different as their father went out hunting and Jewel entertained them with catching frogs at a nearby stream, reminding them again and again to avoid the cliff that dropped off on the edge of the clearing they had found and secured. Things were going well when suddenly the whole world flipped upside down.  

A bear came trunking through the trees and tore their peace apart as it grabbed Cyanide and threw him right over the cliff, Nightshade screaming and trying to chase after him while the beast turned on him and swiped. It batted him away, clawmarks ripped across his haunches as it effortlessly threw him over the cliff only to land in the water and get swept further downstream. He could only hear the screaming; pain and terror from Belle that cut off, anger and horror from their mother Jewel and soon the deep howls of his Father's pain of loss joined before he was swept under and ripped deeper into the forest, away from his old life and everything he knew. His memories get fuzzy around here as he smashed his head on a rock and was eventually spat back out on one of Luner Creek's river banks where he was found soaked in his own blood. At first they didn't think he was going to make it with the amount of blood they had found him soaked in but when washed they found it wasn't as bad as it looks. As time went by, Nightshade healed until his fur could cover the scars again and he integrated into the pack as he worked towards a fighter. 

He was about a year old when he started getting ideas in his head about finding his family when life threw him another curve-ball; a young male wolf about his age was found with his dead mother and needed refuge. When he met the new wolf back at camp, it was a lovely reunion as he found his brother again but something was wrong. He couldn't hear anymore! This came as a shock, almost as much as the fact that he had outgrown his Older brother! His protective streak deepened evermore after this, butting heads and picking fights with anyone who dared mock his brother over his deafness. There was absolutely a learning curve as he figured out how to communicate properly but it was certainly one of the hardest things the brute had ever done as he fried his three remaining braincells to achieve this. He was always more of a follower and certainly left the mischief plans to Cyanide, more than happy to throw someone around at his brother's command. 

Now Nightshade lives pretty contentedly as an Eta for Lunar Creek. He adores his new Nephew Salem and will always be there for his brother's new family. 

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Appearance: Topping off at 110 lbs at 6 feet long, Nightshade is a pretty big boy for a timber wolf. He has a thick silver-gray pelt with white on his ears, snout and chest. Her paws and the backs of all four legs up to his elbow and butt-fluff were also white while his underbelly and undertail were also painted white as well. There was a darker gray pair of dots for eyebrows as well as a patch of gray across his shoulders that matches his brother's darker pelt along with the base and tip of his tail looking like they had been dipped in liquid-stone. His eyes were the bright yellow color of the Yellow Nightshade flower in which he received his name. 

All across his haunches is a long set of old scars from the bear claws that are mostly covered by hair though if he is soaked down or shifts wrong, they can be seen peeking through his fluff. 


 Attack: 13 (+3)

Defense: 12 (+2)

Agility: 5 (-5)

Senses: 10 (+0)

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Friends and Acquaintances:

Jager-SA-Cadet (Raven):

Nightshade has grown rather fond of the pup and has grown rather protective of him.