Alcatraz, the Pigeon King



5 years, 11 months ago


Standing at approximately twelve feet, the Pigeon King Alcatraz proclaims himself a sovereign ruler of pigeonkind. 

Who Is He?:

A demon of the underworld who bore a liking to the feathered friends of the overworld and swore his allegiance to them. Permanently settling in the overworld in an abandoned warehouse off the outskirts of New York, Alcatraz cares for and bonds with the feral pigeon population. The demon acts like a father figure to the coop of pigeons that make up residence in his warehouse, going so far as to care for their every need: From going out into the overcrowded city area under the guise of an old pigeon-loving vagrant in search of fruits and seeds, to giving pigeons a haven within his rib-cage on the coldest of nights. Alcatraz even extends his aid to pigeons outside his own coop, tending to sickly pigeons around the world and ensuring a high quality of life for all variants of pigeons, big and small! 

What of his manner?

Don't get this demon wrong; He's a big softie (what kind of demon who abandons his creed for pigeons wouldn't be?) and has a fair attitude regarding trespassers and offenders of The Many Codes of Pigeon Law and Modesty... but if there's anything Alcatraz truly despises most, it's the unhealthy growth of pigeon abuse and the sentiment held against them by those dirty human mortals. Thus, don't blame Alcatraz for getting a tad bit aggressive with his upholdment of the good pigeon view among his lessers. And who says a self-proclaimed king can't act like a lord? Sure, the demon's hot-headed and positive in his place over man, but there's no worse of a time to look this beast in the eye than when he's out on his nightly hunts as reaper. On these nights, what were once attackers of pigeon-kind the day before were turned to human pulp in a drink. Unfortunate victims to the pigeon kings rampage can end up being tortured sadistically as they're recited terrifying judgment and scrutiny that could leave a pigeon-hitter pleading for the kings forgiveness. Even if vicious in his punishments, Alcatraz can poetically end up being quite impressionable in his maniacal ranting and has even made an image for himself as both a kind and likable homeless vagrant and a haunting apparition of a rotting pigeon. The smile doesn't lie!

And finally, of his powers?

This hulking demon shares powers with other upper-class demons: Shape-shifting, teleportation, vanishment, and crude mind control. 

Details to note:

- Crown modeled after pigeons!

- Massive amount of fluff! 

- Beating heart peeking out from fluff.

- Skeletal bits!; Exposed rib-cage, bony arms...

- Not actually his true form?...

- Wears a creepy smile; Can be easily mistaken for a face pattern. 

- Handsome feathers!