♔ Ever



8 years, 6 months ago




Name || Ever
Alias || Jet Set
Gender || Female
Age || 17
Sign || Sagittarius
Species || Koala/Hedgehog
Orientation || Straight
Zone || Underground
Status || NFT/Single
Birthday || December 15

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☆ About

She exists in the Sonic Underground universe

Ever is a DJ for a pirate radio station blasting music of all kinds in the fight for freedom from Robotnic

Ever is a very strong-willed person. She tends to act somewhat hot-blooded and impulsive most of the time, but she does possess a gentle side, which becomes more apparent as the you get to know her.

She has little confidence in her ability to make important decisions

She is a strong believer in altruism. She is willing to bend the rules imposed on her in order to do what is right.

She understands that mistakes can be corrected, and absolutely refuses to give up on someone, even her greatest enemy.

She is also talkative. Having a soft spot for children and chao, loving to cuddle and spoil them with affection.

She gives up her comfy life to live in an abandoned radio station so she can broadcast music and give hope to anyone who hears it.

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☆ Relationship

Manic - She meets Manic and his siblings when they accidentally come across her radio tower, nearly taking it out in the process. After nearly taking his head off with a piece of metal, she learns that they actually get along fairly well, though she still gets onto him whenever he accidentally borrows something that doesn't belong to him or pickpockets her. (He think shes cute when she's pouting and getting onto him). She adores his laid back attitude though she thinks it's funny when he can't stand being in nature. 

They easily bounce off each others personalities, Manic being more level headed and Ever being more hot blooded, though they can both be impulsive and get into trouble together.