
Character created by Insane Death Wish as part of a contest to design characters for my fic consequences:reprisal.

RPRSLG 10/30/2020
Species: Human
Gender: X (they/them, e/em)
Color: Banana
Codename: Crisp
Position: General Crewmember
Role: Varied
Background: MIRA Employee (Security)
Status: TBD
Apperances: Reprisal


  • Hat: Fedorable


  • Mini Crewmate [M1-BANP10]: May (she/her)
  • Mini Crewmate [M2-BANP10]: Robin (he/him)


(This personality description is mostly comprised of details provided by the character creator with a few additional characteristics I have added for the sake of the story.)

Dew is a bit of a loner, they’re rather quiet and not a fan of being around too many people. E is intelligent, has a good memory for details, and is pretty good at gathering information- often spending time watching the cameras or tracking people’s locations on the admin table. They usually only share information with people when they think it would be beneficial to everyone, often keeping things they notice to themself to build a case in the meantime. E is fairly persuasive and is good at getting people to believe em. They work off of a combination of both logic but also gut feelings, and are usually pretty decent at figuring out impostors.

As Impostor (Human):
Dew is able to participate in whatever role e is given without issue, as e recognizes that there isn’t really any other option. They’re a good crewmate and a good impostor, often leading to victory for whatever side they’re on- if nobody kills them for being too much of a threat that is.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

pre-consequences (MIRA HQ)

Dew worked as a security officer for MIRA, reviewing camera footage and identifying potential security issues for the company. They never intended to be part of any mission. Because of this, e witnessed and heard (MIRA’s cameras also pick up sound) a lot of top-secret information. They watched the incident where Apple escaped the small-scale loop, and were the one to report Alice and Alastair’s knowledge of the teleport back from Polus. E wasn’t happy to do this, but e feared retaliation if e didn’t.

In an effort to tie up loose ends, MIRA leadership decided to include them in the RPRSLG crew despite their reliability in the position. Es children were also brought with em, in case they had discussed any work at home.



thingy 2

  • RPRSLG 0: Human, Crewmate, Dead (standard cycle)
  • RPRSLG 1: Human, Crewmate/Guardian Angel, (standard cycle)
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of RPRSLG crew & Gray [AFTRMF], Cyrus [CONQ], Jamie [CONQ], Liam [CONQ], Garrett [RPRSLG], Mo [PREQ] (@ The Airship)
Relationships Of Note
profile code by physics