


Character created by Lucid Lilacs as part of a contest to design characters for my fic consequences: reprisal.

RPRSLG 10/30/2020
Species: Human
Gender: M (he/him)
Color: White
Codename: Aster
Position: General Crewmember
Role: Varied
Background: MIRA Employee (Astronomy)
Status: TBD
Apperances: Reprisal


  • Hat: Headslug


(This personality description is mostly comprised of details provided by the character creator with a few additional characteristics I have added for the sake of the story.)

Alastair is a rather group-oriented individual. He doesn’t like to make decisions on his own, usually agreeing with the crew as a whole and voting whoever else everyone else is voting. He’s fairly observant and good at collecting information, but he often won’t raise his own suspicions at a meeting unless he is entirely certain. If he’s accused of being the impostor, regardless of whether he is or isn’t, he tends to fiddle with his gloves, glasses, or hat. However, he is much more open and willing to share suspicions to a smaller group of people he knows and trusts. He also has a passion for astronomy, and would spend his free time stargazing.

As Impostor (Human):
He is rather hesitant to participate when assigned impostor despite the loop, and opts to ignore the role altogether and work to help the crew anyway- even with the threat of consequences. Even if he did try, he know's he's not a good liar and most likely wouldn't do very well.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

pre-consequences (MIRA HQ)

Alastair worked for MIRA in the astronomy department, he had dreams of being part of a mission but never got selected himself. He happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (in the hallway of some of the science labs) and witnessed Blessing get teleported back from Polus. He immediately recognized her as one of the missing AFTRMF crewmembers. Nobody noticed he saw this at first, and he immediately ran to tell his good friend Alice.

Unfortunately, while he was telling Alice what he saw, he happened to get caught by the cameras (which pick up sound as well), and he and Alice were added to the RPRSLG crew without their permission.



thingy 2

  • RPRSLG 0: Human, Crewmate, Dead (standard cycle)
  • RPRSLG 1: Human, Impostor, (standard cycle)
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of RPRSLG crew & Gray [AFTRMF], Cyrus [CONQ], Jamie [CONQ], Liam [CONQ], Garrett [RPRSLG], Mo [PREQ] (@ The Airship)
Relationships Of Note
profile code by physics