
Character created by Anonymous as part of a contest to design characters for my fic consequences: reprisal.

RPRSLG 10/30/2020
Species: Human
Gender: F (she/her)
Color: Black
Codename: 0LochNess
Position: General Crewmember
Role: Varied
Background: MIRA Employee (Research & Development)
Status: TBD


  • Outfit: Suited Up


(Note that due to some kind of clerical error, her mini crewmates were given red suits instead of black. Since the children’s suits were not made with the same color-shifting technology as the adult crewmates’ suits, this couldn’t be corrected.)

  • Mini Crewmate [M1-BLAP6]: (unnamed)
  • Mini Crewmate [M2-BLAP6]: (unnamed)


(This personality description is mostly comprised of details provided by the character creator with a few additional characteristics I have added for the sake of the story.)

Apple can be a bit of a blunt person at times. She finishes her tasks quickly and often uses the extra time to give her crewmates unwarranted advice on completing their own tasks. She has a reputation for being a bit of a know-it-all, but is pretty intelligent and usually at least partly right. Despite her reputation, she’s a strong public speaker that has a way of presenting her theories or accusations as convincing facts, but she’s not unshakable when accused. She has a decent idea of how the system works, but tends to keep that information to herself in order to avoid the crew turning on her.

As Impostor (Human):
When she is assigned impostor, dying or killing isn’t much of an issue for her as she ultimately regards everything as impermanent. She’s fairly decent at the role, usually succeeding or almost succeeding in her objective- unless he gets caught immediately.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)

pre-consequences (MIRA HQ)

Apple previously worked for MIRA as part of their research and development team, she had considered being part of a mission, but never ended up actually applying for any. She was in charge of running tests on small-scale early time loop technology.However, after killing a spider while in a loop, and it reviving when the loop reset, MIRA saw an opportunity and started experimenting with killing rats in the loop. Unable to be a part of this any longer, Apple found a way out of the loop she was testing to try and confront her superiors.

In order to prevent this information getting out, Apple is forced into the RPRLSG crew alongside her children, in case she had discussed any work at home.



thingy 2

  • RPRSLG 0: Human, Impostor, Dead (standard cycle)
  • RPRSLG 1: Human, Crewmate, (standard cycle)
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of RPRSLG crew & Gray [AFTRMF], Cyrus [CONQ], Jamie [CONQ], Liam [CONQ], Garrett [AFTRMF], Mo [PREQ] (@ The Airship)
Relationships Of Note
profile code by physics