


8 years, 5 months ago


Daito Kujikawa
skullchest closed species (Bought for 25$)

Age: 26
Gender: Male
S/O: No preference
Relationship Status: Single

Height: 5'10
Weight: 128lb
Hair color: Sandy
Eye Color: White

His body creates a general sense of unease around people. He can smell your fear, and he hungers for it. He can track people from their lingering fear in an area if its still fairly fresh. He uses his wings to capture people in a state of debilitating fear, they must make eye contact with his wings. With his wings exposed, the uneasy feeling of dread and axiety strengthens around him. He can collect and consume fear to strengthen the effects of his powers, but its a temporary container that weakens slowly over time- or a lot depending if theres a severe dry spell. Once anchored by his wings, he can feed off them- usually quite literally ontop of consuming their fear. He can also use stored fear to suggest new fears or amplify fears to them. He generally can only focus on so many people at once with the effectiveness being the main target and it gradually weakens on radius away from both him and the target. However, if he manages to collect enough fear he can go into nightmare mode and create an area around him that is inhabited by pure fear and stepping into this area can create halucinations that are extremely real and other people can see them, creating a mutated living nightmare area where people's worst fears come true.

Personality: None. He is a soulless murderous asshole who doesnt have any emotions nor does he understand them. His personality is cold and dry- like that piece of turkey that fell behind the stove three years ago on thanksgiving. He's extremely blunt and doesnt seem to care about anyone or thing- except his desire to feed and kill. Because of his lack of emotion, he's extremely methodical and cold about murdering. He seems to have a sick sort of interest in dragging out a death just to try to pick apart the fear they might be feeling.

Theme song: Panic room by Au/Ra