


7 months, 24 days ago


Emmet is a Gibson/Otto kid (the youngest. Mira oldest, Cooper the middle kid.) that's a shade of light blue. Get's golden eyes at a later point. He's also just small.

He loves animals, watching videos on all sort of creatures and often times looking for the local wild life when on any other planet. And it was this love and curiosity of wildlife that lead to him finding this strange creature.

A small thing, like he is. With red scales, sort of a armless dragon like look to him, fins on the side of his head, and two, huge gold eyes. Emmet, snuck him onto the robot, as he will do with the occasional creature.

The creature, that he named Kitchen Sink because he'll eat everything and the kitchen sink as he put it, really can eat anything. And it's love of eating leads to his discovery by everyone else.

Long story short, Antauri tried to get a read on the creature and quickly discovered so much over whelming information in that Kitchen Sink is a basically a sort of creature that lives for a very, very long time, grows bigger then a planet (though very slowly) and there is only ever one of at a time. Not to mention has the memories and knowledge of all it's previous lives.

Kitchen Sink can also has past sight. A sort of thing where he blinks and he can see things as they were in the past if he had seen it during one of his previous lives.

Emmet and Kitchen Sink are close friends, even if Kitchen Sink doesn't speak. Though that changes in a moment when Kitchen Sink, in a move of using some power to save Emmet's life at some point made a sort of power/mental bond between them. Now Emmet has gold eyes, can hear Kitchen Sink and might see the future at times. Yes, this causes trouble.