


7 months, 13 days ago




 NAME   Kaine 

 PRONOUNS   He/him 

 AGE   Approx. 300, maturity of mid 30s 

 RACE/SPECIES   Demon (Poltergeist) 

 GENDER   Male 


A poltergeist with an affinity for masquerading as a dentist, doctor, and/or surgeon.


  • Blood
  • Collecting teeth
  • Pain
  • Laughing gas


  • Gloves, masks
  • Cavities
  • Patients questioning him
  • Screamers


  • His appearance is a combination of a komodo dragon, snake, lamprey, and also takes inspiration from Great Jagras from monster hunter.


  • His tail is like dentists' tweezers and can grab things similarly.
  • His teeth are like a lampreys and are specially designed to drink blood.
  • He has 2 fins, one larger one on his back and a smaller one on his tail. His claws are also webbed, and he has gills.
  • Kaine is 7 feet tall


Kaine is a very sadistic and manipulative demon and leans more into harming people for fear energy than others. He isn't above gaslighting unsuspecting humans into being his patients, and takes joy in causing them pain. He loves to collect teeth of his patients, especially wisdom teeth. Kaine never uses things like gloves or masks because he finds they remove some fun. His favorite part of operating on people is getting them to bleed, so he will do whatever causes them to bleed the most. Blood is his favorite thing to drink and he will engorge himself on as much as he can get. Oddly enough he does have something of a soft side, sending patients home with proper medication to care for their new injuries and wounds. He doesn't aim to kill, only to cause as much bleeding and pain as possible. He has "frequent patients" that he likes to operate on the most.


Rank and role

Poltergeists are a rank of demon which are, to put simply, promoted imps. Poltergeists are not created but rather are imps who through good work and effectiveness are given the chance to do more high profile and respected jobs. These jobs are usually haunting humans through specific locations. They manifest in these locations appearing like a ghost, often doing typical things poltergeists and ghosts haunting locations are known to do. This is usually the end goal for most imps as it's seen as fulfilling their purpose. Most imps do not qualify for this promotion though and only the best make it.

Personal life

Kaine as an imp was always fascinated with human anatomy, especially the mouth. He wanted to learn as much as he could about how it worked, and couldn't wait to see it firsthand. When he finally graduated to working on Earth and got his first "patient", he was so excited he kept them on the operating table for 3 hours. When he first tasted fresh human blood and got to pull a wisdom tooth from someone's jaws for the first time, hearing them scream in pain, he was the happiest he'd ever been. Ever since then he terrorizes Earth as a mysterious dentist, or doctor, or surgeon, whatever he feels like calling himself.


NAME  relationship 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.

NAME  relationship 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.