Guin Pierce



7 months, 27 days ago



Guinevere Pierce

Alias Guin
Age 26
Gender Transfem
Race Simic Hybrid
Class & Lvl Fighter 3
Subclass Rune Knight
Background Bodyguard
Alignment Lawful Good

Proficiency Bonus +2
Initiative +3
Speed 30 ft
Armor Class 19
Max HP 33
Hit Dice 3d10

Ability Scores


16 (+3) Strength
+5 Saving Throw
16 (+3) Dexterity
+3 Saving Throw
18 (+4) Constitution
+6 Saving Throw
12 (+1) Intelligence
+1 Saving Throw
16 (+3) Wisdom
+3 Saving Throw
14 (+2) Charisma
+2 Saving Throw
+3 Acrobatics (Dex)
+3 Animal Handling (Wis)
+1 Arcana (Int)
+5 Athletics (Str)
+2 Deception (Cha)
+1 History (Int)
+5 Insight (Wis)
+2 Intimidation (Cha)
+1 Investigation (Int)
+3 Medicine (Wis)
+1 Nature (Int)
+5 Perception (Wis)
+2 Performance (Cha)
+2 Persuasion (Cha)
+1 Religion (Int)
+3 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
+3 Stealth (Dex)
+5 Survival (Wis)


Atk Bonus / Save DC

1d8 piercing

Hand Crossbow
1d6 piercing


Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
Simple, Martial
Thieves' Tools, Herbalism Kit

Features & Traits

Bodyguard (Guardian)
Any time you are within 10 feet of a friendly creature or humanoid and they suffer an attack, you may switch places with them and receive the attack in their place. You must declare this before the attack roll is made. You can do this a number of times equal your dex modifier and are restored after a long rest.
Bodyguard (Vigilant)
Being surprised does not skip your turn in initiative.
Simic Hybrid (Darkvision)
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Simic Hybrid (Tentacle Grapple)
As a bonus action, you make a strength check contested by your target's strength or dexterity with advantage as long as they are the same size as you. If they fail, they gain the grappled condition and can't move. A creature can attempt to escape a grapple. This would be a repeat of the first throw. Each round they are grappled with Tentacle Grapple, including the first round, you may choose to deal 1d6 necrotic damage to the target. You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled by you. To do so, make another Tentacle Grapple check. If you succeed, you and the creature are both restrained until the grapple ends. When pinned, Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage. The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Fighter (Defense)
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Fighter (Second Wind)
On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Fighter (Action Surge)
On your turn, you can take one additional action. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Rune Knight Fighter (Aquatic Adeptness)
As a bonus action, you magically gain the following benefits which last for 1 minute: You can breathe underwater. Your swim speed is equal to your walking speed. You have advantage on Constitution checks and saving throws. Once on each of your turns, one of your attacks with a weapon or an unarmed strike can deal an extra 1d6 damage to a target on a hit. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
Rune Knight Fighter (Rune Carver)
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch a number of objects equal to the number of runes you know, and you inscribe a different rune onto each of the objects. To be eligible, an object must be a weapon, a suit of armor, a shield, a piece of jewelry, or something else you can wear or hold in a hand. Your rune remains on an object until you finish a long rest, and an object can bear only one of your runes at a time. If a rune requires a saving throw, your Rune Magic save DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.
Zodiac sign Cancer
Enneagram 6
Sexuality Bisexual
Relationship status Single
Love language Acts of Service

Economic background Middle Class
Religion N/A
Nationality Korean/Dutch
Current residence Icewind Dale

Personality Traits

  • Even though I am constantly by my companion's side, I cannot help but feel alone.
  • I hold myself to the highest of standards.


  • Although my companion isn't the only one who I should protect, her saftey comes before anyone else's.


  • I feel a deep sense of responsibility to shield those around me.
  • I still feel guilt over a mistake I made many years ago.


  • My extreme desire to protect and serve is often detrimental to my own health.
  • I am aimless without someone to guide me.

Positive Traits

  • Reliable
  • Hardworking
  • Observant

Negative Traits

  • Emotionally repressed
  • Resistant to change
  • Overly self-sacrificing

Guin is hypervigilant for threats, and obsesses over checking every square inch of her companion’s environment. She values Archie’s life over her own without a doubt. Guin vaguely hates herself and thinks dying wouldn’t be such a bad fate anyways.
Guin's combat style is powerful yet graceful with fluidity akin to a ballerina. Although she is leaner than many of the opponents she goes up against, her precision and strategy make up for what she may lack in physicality. Every move Guin makes during battle is made with her client, Archie, in mind. She will do everything in her power to keep Archie safe- even at the detriment of herself and others if necessary. Guin has a dislike for rogues and hidden weapons such as daggers because she sees them as dishonorable. Similarly, she perceives ambushes and other forms of “fighting dirty” to be below the belt.


  • Chocolate-covered Strawberries
    • They're her favorite food!
  • Archie
    • She may have a crush...
  • Stability
    • info
  • like
    • info
  • like
    • info


  • Ambushes
    • Thinks they're dishonorable.
  • Change
    • info
  • Crowds
    • info
  • dislike
    • info
  • dislike
    • info


  • Protect Archie
    • info
  • Settle down somewhere warm
    • info
  • goal
    • info


  • Failure
    • info
  • Shame
    • info
  • Being Known
    • info

Skills & Abilities

  • content
    • info
  • content
    • info
  • content
    • info
  • content
    • info
  • content
    • info


  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
Height 6' (183cm)
Weight 160
Build Lithe
Health Shit
Skin tone Light Grey
Eye color Grey
Hair color White
Hair style Jellyfish

Blood type B
Dominant hand Ambidextrous
Voice Ermes Costello
Associated flower Heliotrope

Guin stands at precisely 6 feet tall and is wearing chainmail armor which is mostly obscured by the thick hooded cloak she has on. She has snow white hair which is styled in a jellyfish haircut. Four braids have been made out of the back part and two of them are draped over her shoulders and rest against her chest. Her gray skin is nearly as pale as her hair, and shimmers slightly with moisture. She has blue-ish gray eyes and a mask covers the lower half of her face. Two frilled tentacles protruding from her back are slightly raised by her sides. A rapier is sheathed on her belt, and a simple wooden shield is fixed to her back.
If she was anywhere other than a barren, frozen tundra, Guin would usually be seen dressing in traditionally feminine attire.
  • If drawing her with her hair down, note that Guin's hair is wavy (2a).
  • Guin has albinism.
  • She has human ears.
  • Although lean, Guin is toned.
  • The skin around Guin's chest and stomach is slightly translucent- enough so the outline of some of her organs can be seen.



  • CP: 00
  • SP: 00
  • EP: 00
  • GP: 14
  • PP: 00


  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00
  • Treasure (value): 00



  • Lathander Compass (01)

    [ Category (properties) | Weight ]

    A compass with iconography of grass fields etched into the metal. On the face is a bright sun. The needle is a ray extending from the sun in the center. The name "Morel" is etched into the back. It seems to be related to the god of dawn and new beginnings, Lathander- The Morning Lord.

  • Hooded Cloak (01)

    [ Artifact | Weight ]


  • Winter Clothes (01)

    [ Category (properties) | Weight ]


  • Common Clothes (01)

    [ Category (properties) | Weight ]


  • Crowbar (01)

    [ Category (properties) | Weight ]


  • Hammer (01)

    [ Category (properties) | Weight ]


  • Snowshoes (01)

    [ Category (properties) | Weight ]



Guin and her older sibling Kris were raised in a city by their mother and father. Their mother, Swan, was a high-ranking general in the city's military who instilled the importance of disipline in their household. Although she loved her children, Swan did not often offer words of encouragement to them and found it difficult to express affection in the ways that Guin needed. Guin often felt overshadowed by her sibling who took very well to their self-defense training. It became clear very early that Kris was the prodigy of their family while Guin struggled to excel in the same way. She was never really particularly interested in or good at anything, and she developed a sense of shame because of this over the years.

Although not as outstanding as her sibling, Guin was decent enough at combat that she felt she had a fair chance at earning a living from it. It was her only choice anyway- she hadn't invested any time into learning other skills. Thus, she left home at 17 to prove to her family and to herself that she had what it took to be exceptional at something. She began taking odd jobs as a bodyguard, eventually finding one client who became a sort of mentor figure. They grew close over a number of years, and loved each other like family. When she was 21, this client was targeted by a political-motivated attack and died in Guin's arms. Guin had always been hard on herself, both because of her perfectionistic nature and because of the environment she grew up in enforcing the idea that she needed to be better to deserve love. So while this would be traumatic for anyone, this took quite a toll on Guin specifically.

Consumed by guilt and a stronger-than-ever drive to do better- to be better- Guin volunteered for a highly experimental and risky surgery. She was to undergo a fusion of her body with a mystical jellyfish which would turn her into a superior soldier... or kill her outright. It was a risk she was willing to take. The doctor who operated on Guin was one Archie Mournstein who ended up hiring Guin as her bodyguard. After nearly a year of recovery, Guin escorted Archie to Icewind Dale for business and promptly got stuck in the tundra for two years due to the perilous weather. This is where episode one begins.

Rime of the Frostmaiden

party name Icewind Dale

Oct 3, 2023 - Ongoing

Four strangers stranded in the cold wastes of Icewind Dale must work together to survive- and maybe bring the sun back while they're at it.

Session 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a orci dui. Donec mollis vestibulum quam. Pellentesque scelerisque varius bibendum. Proin sed elementum ligula, sit amet ultricies tellus. Donec accumsan urna at eros tristique, ornare tempus velit aliquam. Integer bibendum interdum lacus id vestibulum. Sed non elit quis libero pharetra pharetra et quis nisl. Sed euismod leo sed dapibus venenatis. Curabitur volutpat, ex nec imperdiet fermentum, odio lacus porta metus, vitae lacinia nisl augue eget felis. Maecenas fermentum massa id sem tempor tempus. Phasellus urna tortor, aliquam accumsan orci vitae, tempor sodales dui. Praesent at dui vitae eros gravida vestibulum. Etiam elementum leo ut pharetra ultricies. Nullam massa ex, tincidunt sed lacinia eget, malesuada et lectus. Phasellus tincidunt quam vitae quam vehicula, sit amet hendrerit libero imperdiet. Aenean imperdiet tellus vel nunc consectetur malesuada.

Suspendisse dictum, velit et dapibus auctor, ligula nulla fermentum justo, sit amet dignissim ipsum nisl at justo. Etiam commodo est ac eros lobortis, sed ullamcorper ipsum varius. Cras venenatis lacus vel tellus mattis varius. Donec at diam volutpat, facilisis lectus at, eleifend enim. Suspendisse at congue velit. Curabitur at dictum ante. Nulla aliquam metus id lectus condimentum, eu egestas ante vulputate. Praesent mollis nibh orci, nec hendrerit leo accumsan quis. Quisque ut vestibulum nisi.

Session 2

Suspendisse vehicula hendrerit nibh quis sodales. Maecenas massa lectus, volutpat sit amet dignissim a, cursus at augue. Aliquam dui dolor, venenatis at metus et, scelerisque lacinia diam. Vestibulum lorem nisi, vehicula eu metus eu, euismod posuere nulla. Maecenas tristique, nulla ut dapibus rutrum, metus nisl aliquet libero, interdum dignissim justo metus in elit. Etiam vitae eleifend nunc, eu fringilla elit. Phasellus ipsum metus, auctor viverra viverra id, egestas ut odio. Suspendisse vel vehicula mi. Nunc aliquam lorem nec blandit auctor. Nam est ipsum, ultrices vel lorem vitae, accumsan elementum elit. Quisque sed sodales leo, non convallis lorem. Nullam et ultrices lacus. Mauris gravida, massa id pellentesque ultrices, nisi nunc sagittis elit, in pellentesque purus justo at augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim ipsum vitae sem feugiat dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque urna magna, fermentum eget vestibulum in, lacinia ut odio. In posuere libero urna, nec posuere sapien consequat vel. Vivamus eu risus orci. Nunc dignissim, lorem non viverra lacinia, sem velit porta mi, sed maximus odio est ut ante. Quisque urna diam, auctor id ullamcorper ut, ultricies ac elit. Sed eget nibh at nunc vehicula maximus ac a leo. Aenean scelerisque dolor lacus, at rhoncus dui auctor at. Etiam vitae nunc et lectus sodales rutrum non vel augue. Fusce vitae feugiat erat. Morbi malesuada tellus ac ex finibus eleifend. Suspendisse scelerisque purus purus, eu cursus tortor elementum ut.

Session 3

Nullam et egestas risus. Donec faucibus malesuada augue, eu accumsan sem sodales eget. Suspendisse et urna mauris. Pellentesque sodales varius turpis vitae viverra. Vestibulum lacinia, elit vel tincidunt tempus, augue dui volutpat quam, et egestas massa justo sit amet erat. Etiam pretium purus tellus, vehicula porta mi scelerisque vel. Pellentesque vitae lacinia dui, et tristique tellus. Quisque consectetur nisi et odio aliquet, quis commodo mi dictum. Morbi volutpat eu nisl eget sollicitudin. Morbi lacus libero, ultrices nec erat ac, tincidunt commodo leo.

Sed vitae nunc maximus, vulputate ex id, rhoncus lectus. In elit tortor, pretium congue feugiat lacinia, maximus a neque. Curabitur pretium tellus sed est mattis, quis gravida urna pulvinar. Donec eget pulvinar nisi. Nam aliquam porttitor dapibus. Sed vitae blandit odio. Vivamus sit amet pretium ex.

party name location

1.1.2020 - 31.12.2020

premise/very brief TL;DR


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a orci dui. Donec mollis vestibulum quam. Pellentesque scelerisque varius bibendum. Proin sed elementum ligula, sit amet ultricies tellus. Donec accumsan urna at eros tristique, ornare tempus velit aliquam. Integer bibendum interdum lacus id vestibulum. Sed non elit quis libero pharetra pharetra et quis nisl. Sed euismod leo sed dapibus venenatis. Curabitur volutpat, ex nec imperdiet fermentum, odio lacus porta metus, vitae lacinia nisl augue eget felis. Maecenas fermentum massa id sem tempor tempus. Phasellus urna tortor, aliquam accumsan orci vitae, tempor sodales dui. Praesent at dui vitae eros gravida vestibulum. Etiam elementum leo ut pharetra ultricies. Nullam massa ex, tincidunt sed lacinia eget, malesuada et lectus. Phasellus tincidunt quam vitae quam vehicula, sit amet hendrerit libero imperdiet. Aenean imperdiet tellus vel nunc consectetur malesuada.

Suspendisse dictum, velit et dapibus auctor, ligula nulla fermentum justo, sit amet dignissim ipsum nisl at justo. Etiam commodo est ac eros lobortis, sed ullamcorper ipsum varius. Cras venenatis lacus vel tellus mattis varius. Donec at diam volutpat, facilisis lectus at, eleifend enim. Suspendisse at congue velit. Curabitur at dictum ante. Nulla aliquam metus id lectus condimentum, eu egestas ante vulputate. Praesent mollis nibh orci, nec hendrerit leo accumsan quis. Quisque ut vestibulum nisi.


Suspendisse vehicula hendrerit nibh quis sodales. Maecenas massa lectus, volutpat sit amet dignissim a, cursus at augue. Aliquam dui dolor, venenatis at metus et, scelerisque lacinia diam. Vestibulum lorem nisi, vehicula eu metus eu, euismod posuere nulla. Maecenas tristique, nulla ut dapibus rutrum, metus nisl aliquet libero, interdum dignissim justo metus in elit. Etiam vitae eleifend nunc, eu fringilla elit. Phasellus ipsum metus, auctor viverra viverra id, egestas ut odio. Suspendisse vel vehicula mi. Nunc aliquam lorem nec blandit auctor. Nam est ipsum, ultrices vel lorem vitae, accumsan elementum elit. Quisque sed sodales leo, non convallis lorem. Nullam et ultrices lacus. Mauris gravida, massa id pellentesque ultrices, nisi nunc sagittis elit, in pellentesque purus justo at augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim ipsum vitae sem feugiat dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque urna magna, fermentum eget vestibulum in, lacinia ut odio. In posuere libero urna, nec posuere sapien consequat vel. Vivamus eu risus orci. Nunc dignissim, lorem non viverra lacinia, sem velit porta mi, sed maximus odio est ut ante. Quisque urna diam, auctor id ullamcorper ut, ultricies ac elit. Sed eget nibh at nunc vehicula maximus ac a leo. Aenean scelerisque dolor lacus, at rhoncus dui auctor at. Etiam vitae nunc et lectus sodales rutrum non vel augue. Fusce vitae feugiat erat. Morbi malesuada tellus ac ex finibus eleifend. Suspendisse scelerisque purus purus, eu cursus tortor elementum ut.


Nullam et egestas risus. Donec faucibus malesuada augue, eu accumsan sem sodales eget. Suspendisse et urna mauris. Pellentesque sodales varius turpis vitae viverra. Vestibulum lacinia, elit vel tincidunt tempus, augue dui volutpat quam, et egestas massa justo sit amet erat. Etiam pretium purus tellus, vehicula porta mi scelerisque vel. Pellentesque vitae lacinia dui, et tristique tellus. Quisque consectetur nisi et odio aliquet, quis commodo mi dictum. Morbi volutpat eu nisl eget sollicitudin. Morbi lacus libero, ultrices nec erat ac, tincidunt commodo leo.

Sed vitae nunc maximus, vulputate ex id, rhoncus lectus. In elit tortor, pretium congue feugiat lacinia, maximus a neque. Curabitur pretium tellus sed est mattis, quis gravida urna pulvinar. Donec eget pulvinar nisi. Nam aliquam porttitor dapibus. Sed vitae blandit odio. Vivamus sit amet pretium ex.

party name location

1.1.2020 - 31.12.2020

premise/very brief TL;DR


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a orci dui. Donec mollis vestibulum quam. Pellentesque scelerisque varius bibendum. Proin sed elementum ligula, sit amet ultricies tellus. Donec accumsan urna at eros tristique, ornare tempus velit aliquam. Integer bibendum interdum lacus id vestibulum. Sed non elit quis libero pharetra pharetra et quis nisl. Sed euismod leo sed dapibus venenatis. Curabitur volutpat, ex nec imperdiet fermentum, odio lacus porta metus, vitae lacinia nisl augue eget felis. Maecenas fermentum massa id sem tempor tempus. Phasellus urna tortor, aliquam accumsan orci vitae, tempor sodales dui. Praesent at dui vitae eros gravida vestibulum. Etiam elementum leo ut pharetra ultricies. Nullam massa ex, tincidunt sed lacinia eget, malesuada et lectus. Phasellus tincidunt quam vitae quam vehicula, sit amet hendrerit libero imperdiet. Aenean imperdiet tellus vel nunc consectetur malesuada.

Suspendisse dictum, velit et dapibus auctor, ligula nulla fermentum justo, sit amet dignissim ipsum nisl at justo. Etiam commodo est ac eros lobortis, sed ullamcorper ipsum varius. Cras venenatis lacus vel tellus mattis varius. Donec at diam volutpat, facilisis lectus at, eleifend enim. Suspendisse at congue velit. Curabitur at dictum ante. Nulla aliquam metus id lectus condimentum, eu egestas ante vulputate. Praesent mollis nibh orci, nec hendrerit leo accumsan quis. Quisque ut vestibulum nisi.


Suspendisse vehicula hendrerit nibh quis sodales. Maecenas massa lectus, volutpat sit amet dignissim a, cursus at augue. Aliquam dui dolor, venenatis at metus et, scelerisque lacinia diam. Vestibulum lorem nisi, vehicula eu metus eu, euismod posuere nulla. Maecenas tristique, nulla ut dapibus rutrum, metus nisl aliquet libero, interdum dignissim justo metus in elit. Etiam vitae eleifend nunc, eu fringilla elit. Phasellus ipsum metus, auctor viverra viverra id, egestas ut odio. Suspendisse vel vehicula mi. Nunc aliquam lorem nec blandit auctor. Nam est ipsum, ultrices vel lorem vitae, accumsan elementum elit. Quisque sed sodales leo, non convallis lorem. Nullam et ultrices lacus. Mauris gravida, massa id pellentesque ultrices, nisi nunc sagittis elit, in pellentesque purus justo at augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim ipsum vitae sem feugiat dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque urna magna, fermentum eget vestibulum in, lacinia ut odio. In posuere libero urna, nec posuere sapien consequat vel. Vivamus eu risus orci. Nunc dignissim, lorem non viverra lacinia, sem velit porta mi, sed maximus odio est ut ante. Quisque urna diam, auctor id ullamcorper ut, ultricies ac elit. Sed eget nibh at nunc vehicula maximus ac a leo. Aenean scelerisque dolor lacus, at rhoncus dui auctor at. Etiam vitae nunc et lectus sodales rutrum non vel augue. Fusce vitae feugiat erat. Morbi malesuada tellus ac ex finibus eleifend. Suspendisse scelerisque purus purus, eu cursus tortor elementum ut.


Nullam et egestas risus. Donec faucibus malesuada augue, eu accumsan sem sodales eget. Suspendisse et urna mauris. Pellentesque sodales varius turpis vitae viverra. Vestibulum lacinia, elit vel tincidunt tempus, augue dui volutpat quam, et egestas massa justo sit amet erat. Etiam pretium purus tellus, vehicula porta mi scelerisque vel. Pellentesque vitae lacinia dui, et tristique tellus. Quisque consectetur nisi et odio aliquet, quis commodo mi dictum. Morbi volutpat eu nisl eget sollicitudin. Morbi lacus libero, ultrices nec erat ac, tincidunt commodo leo.

Sed vitae nunc maximus, vulputate ex id, rhoncus lectus. In elit tortor, pretium congue feugiat lacinia, maximus a neque. Curabitur pretium tellus sed est mattis, quis gravida urna pulvinar. Donec eget pulvinar nisi. Nam aliquam porttitor dapibus. Sed vitae blandit odio. Vivamus sit amet pretium ex.


Kris Pierce
(Older Sibling)

[ human | nonbinary | 30 | royal guard ]


Swan Pierce

[ human | female | 59 | marshal ]


Martyn Pierce

[ human | male | 55 | smith ]



[ race | gender | age | occupation ]



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Party members


[ half-elf | female | 28 | medicus (homebrewed) ]

Archie is the doctor who performed the simic hybrid operation on Guin and hired her as her bodyguard afterwards. Guin is grateful for Archie’s somewhat cold professionalism because she is scared of becoming close with someone only to fail them again. Unfortunately for her, she seems to be forming the beginnings of a crush...


[ half-elf | male | ??? | sorcerer ]


Fenryss, the Hound

[ shadar kai | male | ??? | warlock/bard ]
