Ends in 3 Days

ꃳ꒐꒯ ꁝꏂꋪꏂ


Thank you for the sb!! (*つ▽`)っ



You won the Auction, Here is the contract of payment

Pls send the it here on my paypal

paypal.me/dennisbarana / [email protected]Untitled135_20231028185740.png?ex=654f5e

Hi, I sent you the money!

ꋪꏂꉔ꒐ꏂ꒦ꏂ꒯... ꇙꏂꋊ꒯꒐ꋊꍌ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꇙꋬꉔꋪ꒐ꊰ꒐ꉔ꒐ꋬ꒒ ꍌꄲꋬ꓄...

꓄ꁝꋬꋊꀘ ꌦꄲ꒤ ꊰꄲꋪ ꌦꄲ꒤ꋪ ꉣꋬ꓄ꋪꄲꋊꋬꍌꏂ

Thank you for buying my boy (*つ▽`)っ

Can i send the images on discord?? Or do you want it on gmail?

Discord: vi0lle_fleur 

Gmail: [email protected] 

Also i req a transfer ownership to you

On Disboard is good! My username is eliasbouchard !