



They identify as female, but use they/them pronouns!
They're  actually just a kind of purple colour, but they're very loud and  boystrous, and also very open about themself, so they dye their fur to  show off their sexuality. They're all about being loud and proud.They're also really eager to meet new people and make friends! They'll often be the center of attention and you can usually find them telling stories to a group of people. They can make any story seem interesting, and will always have others captivated! It's one of their biggest hobbies, although they have a LOT. They're also really good with kids! They have a part time babysitting job and they're perfect for it. They keep the kids happy while also keeping them to any set schedule.Very  friendly, kind, open, just generally a pretty great pup. They do have their down days though, which makes things a little difficult, but they  don't like letting it affect those around them, so it's usually hard to  tell.They don't have a significant other just yet, but they're  not really looking. They're a big time believer that good things come to  those who wait. They also lean more towards females than males, which  does tend to make things more difficult.They're happy with who they are and with their life at the moment.
