Nayeli - 💎



7 months, 20 days ago


Name: Princess Nayeli

Age: 19

Birthday: February 26

Star sign: Pisces 

Gender: female 

Sexuality: straight 

Status: single 

Clan: Omega 

Power: crystallokinesis 

Flavor: honey 

Personality: gives off pretty princess energy, a little bit spoiled by her very wealthy father, she isn't actually a princess, but insists everyone call her such since her father always did so while growing up, can be a little bit bratty at times but is generally a pretty nice person, she has a lot of friends but most are superficial friends who only hang out because she buys them things, also speaks in a very high pitch and childlike voice

Likes: being treated like a princess, pampering, being cute, spending money, being spoiled, pink!!

Dislikes: being bossed around or told what to do, being told no, being dirty or uncomfortable 

Lives: her own condo (bought by dad) in Maelie Neor, Nu

Occupation: unemployed; her father pays for everything for her