Cherrie's Comments

I'd like to AB1!

Ofc! Payment can be sent to 

[email protected]

Done !

I can offer 2 half/chibies for them^^ (I can color it both traditional or digital...still not 100% good on digital tho)

I can offer any of or even all four characters in my sell/trade folder if you're interested!

i can offer an oc from my th. doesn’t matter the folder but i’m  tent on my horror bbys and favs. or i can offer like $5.  this little silly just is so cute. them having  iv in (which i think is one if not it reminded me of one) just gave me so much comfort because i had to get a procedure done today which required me to get an iv. i’m terrified of needles so it wasn’t the funnest thing in the world. sorry for the ranting !

i could offer ocs from any folder but comfort, fursonas and humans! or art

no sorry they are worth complete diff prices ;,(
