Callin Gallagher (Future)



6 months, 28 days ago

Basic Info


The Myth, Shadowman, Stalker


A violent man who is rumored to "stop at nothing" to get what he wants. Scarred all over his body, known for his missing eye. Is in allegiance with some of the most fearsome creatures, and ruled over Heifu for a very short period before he became bored and left. People believe he is on a quest to make his name feared all over Earth. 

People say he betrays all close to him and can never be trusted, when he's around, it's a good sign to run away or slip out quietly because he's likely going to kill someone there. He is so quiet that nobody can hear him coming before it's too late. He allegedly has unknown powers that are scarier than what imagination can conjure.

The only human on Earth lives up to what the myths of humans are made up to be; violent, ruthless, backstabbing, killers that dominate wherever they go.

However, those who know him describe him much differently. Callin is a man of few words but speaks when he needs to, often when he does, he gets into trouble with his snarky comments and cocky attitude. He's serious yet funny and guards his friends with his life. Sometimes he flips out and throws out all self-preservation, which makes a lot of his friends stress for him, but he usually turns out fine. He has a tragic story, with lots of loss and hardships, but nobody would expect it from him. He's emotional but impulsive and often needs to be guided, they think it's a miracle he's lived this long with all of his crazy ideas. All he wants to do is live life as extravagantly as he can and have plenty of people around him when he dies. He believes he was given a chance at a better life, and he takes advantage of this immensely. He'll tell you his story if you ask and enjoys making friends. 

Despite how strong he is physically, Callin hates being left alone and becomes very irrational and angry when he's separated from people he knows. The last time he was taken from his friends it did not go well. There have been many attempts to assassinate him, but because of his wits and sharp senses, all have failed and met their demise. And even though he is a fairly ruthless killer, he draws the line at kids and teens. He doesn't have the time to fall in love, all he needs is his family.