Constance Asher



8 months, 2 days ago



Constance Asher

" ah is it good to be queen ! "
PRONOUNS she/her
AGE 180 yrs
BIRTHDAY 00/00/1842
SPECIES vampire
OCCUP. casino security

It is almost natural for a vampire to live in Sin City. Constance is not the only one nor is she the most powerful in the region but she's carved out a nice piece of casino for herself. Working as a security guard and occasional dealer, she charms people with her British accent and hypnotic smile. Though she did not need to manipulate anyone to get the job she has on occasion used her powers to get away with draining a number of patrons. But only the ones who cause a ruckus.


friendly / selfish

A stern look is all Constance needs to give to strike fear into the hearts of humans. It works less against other supernatural beings but she is smart enough to pick her fights with caution. After all she does genuinely enjoy her job and would hate to jeopardize it. She takes pride in her work and it just happens to allow her easy access to food and entertainment.

the moon


neutral (goodish)


In general she is a kind person. Even as a vampire she rarely aims to make trouble and chooses to interact with those who have similar ideals as herself. She does believe vampires to be better than humans but this is more due to their short lifespans and lack of powers more than anything else. Their blood is her food because it has to be, and she does not aim to kill when she feeds.

likes card games, cars, fountains, video games

dislikes rude customers, cockroaches, traffic


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Youth .

"I never knew who my birth parents were. Of course I have my suspicions, seeing as I looked just enough like my adoptive mother to be considered part of the family. Pretty sure my 'aunt' was whoring around and dumped me on her sister once I was born. Hey, I don't have any hard feelings. I was decently cared for and lived in a mansion so who cares? Maybe I experienced some discrimination and maybe I was sickly and bedridden but at least I had all the food and doctors I could ask for! Sadly my family lost their wealth due to a failed attempt to betrey their country and I narrowly escaped being put on trial myself."

Becoming Vampire .

"I may have followed in the steps of my 'aunt' and used my body to earn myself coin and a roof over my head but there's no shame in that! My unique look just happened to attract a very powerful vampire who tried to make me his eternal bride. I took the offer but it only took about ten years for me to grow tired of the man. He was so terribly boring and too afraid to leave London so I packed up my things and crossed the sea to the Americas. Did we ever get officially divorced...? No. Does that stop me from marrying anyone I please here in my new home? Also no."

To the USA .

"I first settled in the United States in 1911 in New York. Beautiful place but it wasn't quite where I wanted to live, you understand? I hopped around from major city to major city before eventually spending some years in Chicago. It was good but much too cold and I grew tired of seeing the 'Great Lakes' all the time. So once again I packed up and ended up in Las Vegas! It's wonderful, having so much going on during all hours of the day. I used to simply steal money to pay for human things like rent but that grew old and now I have a job! Just like a human! Except better because nothing gets past me. Nothing."





explanation of ability or other skill here. the box on the left will automatically center itself based on this column's overall height.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Trivia .

  • trivia note
    • longer trivia note... which honestly isn't that long
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • idk if i want these to be justified or left-aligned.... imma keep them like this for now

Design notes .

  • notes
  • yeah sorry no image this time. y'all will survive lmao
  • or you can put it in urself like it's not super hard or anything
  • also this section is like annoyingly long compared to the others on mobile it bugs me so much

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by sharkadelic | from unsplash