


6 years, 2 months ago


Design purchased from weisteria (#208293) on FR.


In the same town as Arleen, Sid is quite the opposite type of citizen. He loves living in this retro place where he gets to slick back his greased hair and lean on things to look cool. To him, this place is like heaven.

Before living here, Sid lived in a bigger city where no one had time for anyone (or so he thought, turns out they just didn't have time for him) and he hated it. No one ever wanted to go out and just do stuff, they always wanted to stay in for the night or sit around a TV for hours on end. It just wasn't for him (and he was very lonely).

Moving here changed things, people were more polite (to fit the lifestyle, and not always because they wanted to be) and more outgoing (because there wasn't a lot less to do with no technology allowed). It meant he got to make a lot more friends (people who tolerated him because he wasn't that bad) and actually just enjoy his time all around.