


username; DarkWolfpuppi (/Lyricat)

marra name; Curly

marra gender; female

christmas story;

The sound of stairs creaking filled the once silent house.

A marra, and a female one that is, had made it her home not too long ago. It was the safest place she could manage to find now, with all these hunters roaming around. The ones who almost wiped out their whole species. Almost. She knew she had just gotten lucky, extremely lucky.

She descended the staircase down to the living room of the old house. A smile grew on her face, when she spotted the fireplace. She approached it, her calm eyes looking around for some firewood. It wasn't that hard to spot it, given that it was to the right of the fireplace. It didn't take long for her to light a fire, as weird as it may seem. You may wonder, how?

Well, simple. She remembered.

She remembered, way back when she was just a bit older than a cub, she spotted her father carrying some sort of sticks and logs. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she moved just a bit nearer to him. She watched as her father skillfully used his claws against the surface of a rock to spark a light.

A fire.

This light, it drew her closer. Her questioning gaze turned to her father's eyes, as she quietly mumbled. "What's this for?"

He sat down and smiled at her. "This fire shall provide us warmth for this cold, winter night. Do you happen to know how this special night is called?"

Little Curly lied down and tucked her paws beneath her. She thought for a bit, her head leaning to the side. She turned to the fire once again and raised an eyebrow. The deep but sweet voice of her father echoed once again.



"Christmas.." She repeated looking at the fire, now much older than a curious cub. With what she had learned throughout the years, she knew this was no time to be sad. It was a holiday of happiness, love, friends, family and..

Presents! Can't forget the presents!

But with no one else around, the lone female realized there was no way to exchange gifts! To bring happiness! Oh dear.. what could she possibly do to-..

Hey wait a second..

On her way here, she is certain she was told about a place nearby, where a clan lived. How about visiting them? And she could do this thing, this game..? How was it called now... hmm.. Oh yes! Secret Santa!

She jumped up and started searching the house.

She needed presents..

And a bag, a large bag..

And a hat! From the red and white ones, said to be worn by Santa!

After a while, she had come across some of the stuff she would need, like a bag and a couple of presents. Little accessories, toys and even a few snow globes. Good enough. But she was still missing the hat. What a bummer. Oh well, she could go without it, it's the thought that matters, right?

Curly made her way back to the fireplace and placed some more logs in there. Hopefully they will last till she is back.

Minutes later, a beaming Curly dashed out the door, dragging her bag of presents. She ran quite a bit, left and right, back and forth. Pawprints of hers in the snow were all over the place, no stone was left unturned and no tree unchecked. Sadly, there was no trace of the clan whatsoever. A disappointed frown overtook her face. With droopy ears, a tail hanging low and slouchy posture, she made a turn to go back home. Or, at least she believed this was the way?

The time it was taking her to go back definitely wouldn't agree with her hopes. She was lost without a doubt.. oh joy.. Okay, maybe running off at night to find an unknown location just to play Santa wasn't that great of an idea. Should she go back to the place she was? Should she wait until daytime? Should she-..


Curly bumped into a pile of snow. She groaned and placed her front paws on the pile. She pushed herself out of the annoying snow. Upon doing so, she pounced on the pile and knocked it down.

It turned out this was a snowman. Emphasis on "was". Whoops.

But hey, he had a santa hat she could borrow! Thanks Mr. Snowman! And him being there could only mean one thing. Someone had been there, to make him.

She perked her head up. Oh, indeed! She found the clan's camp! With a smile full of excitement, she bounced her way to them. Thankfully, they all seemed to be asleep. She smirked and carefully started placing some of the presents she brought along next to each one of them.

With that done, Curly padded off as soon as possible, with a satisfied grin on her face. A few metres away from the pack, she looked at them once again and smiled. A whisper was the last thing to be heard before the area fell into deep silence.

"Merry Christmas."

The lone female sooner or later found her way home. Surprisingly, her fireplace was still burning, almost as much as it was when she left. Upon closer inspection in the room, a box was left in front of the fireplace. The surprised marra opened it somewhat cautiously. In it was a small golden bell with a neat red bow tied around it, forming a necklace. A tiny card was also found in the present.

"Merry Christmas to you too."

Info; (The story was required to adopt her <3)