Derek (Wakfu)



5 years, 2 months ago


  • Derek

  • dcz99is-566516c0-cc20-4c00-8def-9d0838ce
  • Age 36
  • Gender Male
  • Race Osamodas
  • Nation Brakmar
  • Alignment True Neutral

"Just don't fuck around with me. Simple enough?"

Derek had a rough childhood, but he had a strong will and never gave up. He stood up for himself and showed that he can become someone important. He became a Head Guard of his nation, Brakmar.



Birthday:June 14th
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 198cm
Orientation: Bisexual
  • Being warm/warmness
  • His daily routine
  • His work and duties
  • Autumn
  • To be praised
  • Stupid and obnoxious people
  • Stupid jokes
  • Small talk
  • Not being taken seriously
  • Social events
  • Being dirty
  • Mice


Derek is a gruff, quiet but somewhat cheeky man. He won't threat anyone nicely, unless they gain his respect. He's assertive and bellacose, sometimes acts haughty. But if not for his past, he would be a very different person. Although he was being humiliated when he was young, he grew to be confident, proud and to have an honor. He is also a responsible person. He knows how to take care of his duties and how to plan his day, he hates being late, and he works hard. He honors his commitements too. He hardly ever gets time for himself, mostly because of his lack of hobbies. But he likes what he currently does in his life. Derek also doesn't like to ask for help, he believes he can do everything on his own.

During his adulthood, he had spent a lot of time around Grace, who's a high-class woman. Because of that, Derek sometimes sounds high and mighty, trying to talk like a nobleman. It's a like a verbal way of puffing up his chest. The other times however, he uses slang and more colloquial speech, because of the amount of time he spent around his abusers and in military. It results in Derek's way of speech shifting from one to another.

Aside from his coldness, there is something good to him. He can be loyal, trustworthy and reliable for those who get a chance to get close to him, and those who are lucky can discover the soft side to him and his sense of humour.

Other details

  • Although he'd rather not be violent, he's capable of violence when it's needed.
  • For most of his life, he lived in a dirty environment and rarely had a chance to take a bath. That made him being a little clean freak nowadays, often washing his hands and taking showers twice a day. 
  • He's got a fear of mice


One day, Derek went outside with his parents, got lost in the crowd and never got back home. He got abducted by four men who then "raised" him. After years of being mistreated, raped, witnessing horrible things, such as people being murdered in front of his eyes, it became obvious that he was being raised to become a killer. At the age of 12, he was forced to kill someone for the first time. Once he became 16, he eventually managed to run away from his abusers and after the things he had experienced, he knew he didn't want to be the person those people wanted him to be. Instead, he decided to become the opposite. He started from signing up for a bodyguard job. He eventually became known for his bodyguarding services and was hired by Grace. Today, he's a Brakmarian Head Guard.

Grace [Boss/Lover
Derek has met Grace once he got hired by her as a bodyguard. She was his first long-term client, and at the same time the last one since he decided to stay by her side till her death once he became her Head Guard. He was very indifferent about her for a long time, but they spent so much time around each other, they eventually got to know each other better. Once Derek has found out that Grace has got a crush on him, he found a small soft spot for her in his heart, as she was the first person to show him love and tenderness. Although he became more soft towards Grace, and she became more tender around him, Derek is still very obedient to her and she has the power over him.
