Tatsuo Fujimoto



7 months, 24 days ago



Tatsuo desceneds from the Fujimoto clan. Their skills are in magic as well as the blade.

Tatsuo joing the Holy Grail War in hopes that he could use the Grail to bring his daughter back to good health.


Personality: I am always polite and respectful.
Ideals: No matter the circumstances, I am expected to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Flaws: I will never let injustice pass me by.
Bonds: Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for.



Meaning. This song is not only about his daughter whom he is trying to save by joining this war, but is also about his granddaughter who joined for the same reason, despite his disapproval. They have a strained relationship, yet matching goals.

Dear Theodosia by Lin-Manuel Miranda


Servant: Saber Momotaro

Team: Dusk

Family: Mei Fujimoto (grand-daughter)

Holy Grail War Master

You gain a connection to a summoned servant and the Holy Grail, which bestows multiple benefits. Masters also gain a form of clairvoyance that allows them to detect other Masters, and a Servant’s parameters, Skills, and Noble Phantasms, by using (spell casting stat + perception prof). Additionally, you gain three command seals which can be used for the following.

  • Give your servant an order they cannot refuse.
  • Give your servant a critical success or critical failure.
  • Instantly teleport your servant to your side.

Tatsuo Fujimoto

Medium human, Lawful Good
  • Level 20
  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 211
  • Speed 60 ft.
20 (+5)
16 (+3)
18 (+4)
16 (+1)
18 (+4)
12 (+1)
  • Class Progenitor Sword Saint
  • Skills Athletics +11, Perception +10, Intimidation +7, History +7, Insight +7, Acrobatics+9, Persuasion +7
  • Background Noble Guard
  • Inventory Light Samurai Armor, Katana, Oni’s Judgement
  • Mystic Eyes of Empyrean. He gains True Sight out to 240ft. As a bonus action, he declares his entire being to a single purpose he can see, such as defeating an enemy. He maintains concentration on this effect as if it were a spell. While focusing on this effect, he has advantage on skill checks and attack rolls made against the target. Additionally, when making attack rolls against a target, he rolls an additional 1d10 damage, to represent a more powerful and efficient cut. He may use this ability a number of times equal to his proficiency modifier. All uses of these mystic eyes are regained on a long rest.
  • Boon of Speed. His walking speed increases by 30 feet. In addition, he can use a bonus action to take the Dash or Disengage action. Once he does so, he can't do so again until he finish a short rest.
  • Spellcasting. Tatsuo is a 20th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks).


  • Extra Attack. You can attack three times, instead of once.
  • Oni’s Judgement. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (d10+str+3) slicing damage. This weapon is a Mystic Code. All damage counts as magical and cannont have disadvantage on attack rolls. The weilder is immune to being frightened.
    Perfect Judgement Cut. On a roll of 20 on the d20, all creatures within 15 feet of the target of this attack take the same amount of damage as the target.