Adrienne Crowley



7 months, 18 days ago


Adrienne Crowley

Called Adrienne, Professor Crowley

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 100+

Race Possessed Jack-O-Lanter

Role Botany Professor

Theme The Cure - La Ment

Voice Claim Aziraphale - Good Omens

HTML Pinky


Adrienne's story is one that transcends the bounds of life and death. Once a loving father, he tragically lost his life in a reckless driving accident, leaving behind his beloved daughter, Lily. However, instead of finding peace in the afterlife, Adrienne found himself bound to a jack-o'-lantern, unable to move on and leave Lily behind.

As an "imaginary friend," Adrienne provided unwavering love, support, and guidance to Lily throughout her life. He became her constant companion, offering a shoulder to lean on and a source of comfort during difficult times. Adrienne's presence in Lily's life was a testament to his resilience and unwavering dedication as a father, even in death.

When Lily eventually passed away, Adrienne's spirit was finally released from the confines of the jack-o'-lantern. Determined to make a difference in the lives of abandoned and neglected children, Adrienne devoted himself to helping them find love, support, and a sense of belonging. Drawing from his own experiences as a father, he became a protector and mentor to a young wererabbit named Billy.

He pursued a career as a professor of botany at Briarwood, a university for monsters and mythical beings. Through his gentle teaching and nurturing approach, Adrienne not only imparted knowledge but also planted seeds of curiosity, creativity, and compassion in the hearts of his students. He believed that fostering these qualities would empower his students to overcome adversity and grow into compassionate individuals.


Height 5'9"

Build slender

Eyes Blue

Skin Tone Light blue mixed with dark blue

Hair Color Shades of blue

Hair Style Literal fire

Demeanor smart


  • Adrienne is made of fire.
  • Almost always wears his pumpkin.
  • Sclera is yellow.
  • Despite being made of fire and smoke he can be touched.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Despite his shy and soft-spoken nature, Adrienne's true personality is far from aloof. He is a gentle and nurturing soul, deeply devoted to helping and protecting others. Adrienne's love for plants and his passion for teaching shines through, as he creates a nurturing and inclusive environment for his students. He is a mentor figure, offering support and guidance to those in need, not just academically but also emotionally. Though he may seem reserved, his genuine love for connecting with others and fostering their growth is evident in every interaction.


Carving pumpkins

Adrienne has a love for carving intricate designs into pumpkins, a skill he developed during his mortal life. He finds joy in transforming ordinary pumpkins into works of art, especially during the Halloween season. He'll even wear the pumpkins he makes on occassion, just to get a good laugh from his friends.

Telling stories

Something he'd do for his daughter often, Adrienne has a penchant for storytelling. He'll often sharing tales of his past adventures and lessons learned with his students. Adrienne believes in the power that stories have to convey wisdom and teach lessons.


Adrienne cherishes the tranquility that comes with spending time in nature. He enjoys taking long walks in the woods, relishing the serenity of a nature or the gentle chirping of birds in the trees.


Adrienne has an insatiable curiosity about the natural world. He loves delving into research, discovering new plant species, and exploring the wonders of the ecosystem. He encourages his students to cultivate their own curiosity and embark on their own botanical explorations.


Cruelty to nature

As a lover of plants and the natural world, Adrienne detested any harm inflicted upon nature. He couldn't bear to witness deforestation, pollution, or the mistreatment of animals. He firmly believed in the importance of preserving and respecting the environment.

Negative energy

With a naturally kind-hearted nature, Adrienne can't stand being around negative energy or individuals who spread negativity. He always sought to create a positive and uplifting atmosphere around him, fostering growth and healing.

Spicy food

Adrienne had a humorous dislike for spicy food when he was alive. He couldn't handle the heat and often joked about his taste buds being too delicate for anything beyond mild flavors. His friends would playfully tease him, always offering him the spiciest dishes they could find just to see his reaction.

Excessive noise

As someone who cherished serenity and tranquility, Adrienne dislikes excessive noise or chaotic environments. He finds comfort in calm surroundings, where he can hear a gentle breeze or the soothing sounds of nature. Noisy parties or crowded places are not his cup of tea.



Poetry writing (Hobby)

Adrienne had a talent for capturing emotions and experiences in written form. He would often express his thoughts and feelings through heartfelt poems, weaving together words and imagery to create a story of emotions. This creative outlet allowed him to delve into the depths of his soul and share his innermost reflections with the world.

Nature photography (Hobby)

Adrienne loves to capture the beauty of the natural world through his camera lens, creating stunning images of plants and landscapes. He has a shelf in his bedroom dedicated to his favorite photos he's taken.

Leaf collection (Hobby/habit)

Adrienne has a habit of collecting leaves or petals from various plants he encounters. He carefully dries and presses them, creating a personalized scrapbook filled with vivid colors and delicate textures. Each leaf serves as a treasured memory and a reminder of the beauty that nature holds.

Meticulous gardening (habit)

Adrienne is a perfectionist when it comes to tending to the campus gardens. He spends hours meticulously pruning, watering, and arranging the plants to create a harmonious and visually stunning environment. Students often catch him rearranging flowers or carefully adjusting leaves, always striving for perfection.



Adrienne's human years

Adrienne was a remarkable individual, deeply passionate about the world of plants and flowers. Born and raised in a quaint town, his love for gardening took root at a young age. It was within the enchanting garden of his grandmothers that Adrienne's fascination with botany blossomed. As a child, he would spend endless hours by his grandmother's side, captivated by the process of foraging and the art of nurturing the earth to create stunning foliage. With each passing year, Adrienne's devotion to plants grew stronger. He dedicated himself to mastering the craft of gardening, eager to share his love and knowledge with others. It was then that he realized what he wanted to dedicate his life to.

After completing college, he returned to his hometown and opened his flower shop. Adrienne's dream was to create a space where nature's beauty could be showcased and appreciated. Word quickly spread about Adrienne's exceptional gardening skills, and soon enough, his flower shop became a beloved local hotspot. Locals and tourists alike flocked to the bustling store, enticed by the rich aroma of freshly picked flowers and the sight of beautifully arranged bouquets. Adrienne's shop became a sanctuary for those seeking solace or inspiration amidst the vibrant colors and textures of nature.

Outside of his profession, Adrienne's heart was with his family. During a community event, he met his soulmate, Emily, and their connection was instant and profound. Their love flourished, and eventually, they tied the knot, creating a warm and nurturing home for their young daughter, Lily. Adrienne adored his role as a father, cherishing every moment spent with Lily. He prioritized creating lasting memories and encouraged his daughter to explore her passions. Together, they embarked on countless adventures, whether it was hiking in the nearby woods, tending to their backyard garden, or simply cuddling up with a good book on rainy afternoons. One of their most cherished traditions was carving jack-o'-lanterns during autumn. Every year, as Halloween approached, Adrienne, Emily, and Lily would gather around a table, armed with sharp knives and vivid imaginations. The simple act of transforming a pumpkin into a work of art became a symbol of their love and bond, filling their hearts with anticipation for the festivities to come. Adrienne's love for his family was boundless, and he poured his heart and soul into creating a nurturing environment for Lily. He was her constant source of support and encouragement, always there to cheer her on and guide her through life's challenges. Whether it was helping her with school projects, teaching her about the wonders of nature, or simply being a shoulder to lean on, Adrienne's love for Lily and his wife knew no bounds.

Adrienne's Death

Adrienne's untimely death came as a shock to everyone who knew him, leaving his family and friends devastated. It was a beautiful Fall evening when tragedy struck. Adrienne had gone out for a peaceful evening stroll, enjoying the vibrant colors of the sunset and the gentle breeze rustling through the trees. As he walked along the familiar path, lost in his thoughts, a reckless driver sped around the corner, striking him with a devastating force. The impact was swift and merciless, leaving Adrienne unconscious and critically injured. Paramedics arrived swiftly, but despite their best efforts, they were unable to revive him. The news of his passing spread like wildfire, casting a dark shadow over the close-knit community that had known him as a loving father, a skillful gardener, and a kind-hearted friend. But there was something peculiar about Adrienne's passing. Unbeknownst to anyone, his love for his daughter Lily was so profound that it transcended the realm of the living. As his life force began to fade, a mysterious energy enveloped him, binding his spirit to the very essence of their shared creation: the jack-o'-lantern they had lovingly carved together. Bound within the confines of the pumpkin, Adrienne's spirit lingered on Earth, unable to move on to the afterlife. Although he was separated from his physical form, he could not bear to leave his beloved daughter behind. Althought he had no memory of his mortal life, in this ethereal state, his sole purpose became protecting Lily from any harm that might befall her. As the years passed, Adrienne's presence as an "imaginary friend" remained steadfast by Lily's side. Through the ups and downs of her life, he provided her with guidance, comfort, and unwavering love.

Lily grew up with a sense of security, knowing that her 'Imaginary Friend' Addy would always watch over her. It wasn't until Lily's own passing that Adrienne's spirit was finally released from the jack-o'-lantern's confines. In that bittersweet moment, as his memories flooded back, he realized that Lily was his own daughter. The weight of this revelation was both heartbreaking and empowering, as he embraced his true identity and purpose. Determined to honor his daughter's memory and make a difference in the lives of other children, Adrienne dedicated his newfound existence to helping abandoned or neglected children. He traveled far and wide, seeking out those who were lost and lonely, providing them with the love and guidance they so desperately craved.

Finding Billy

It was a crisp autumn day when Adrienne stumbled upon Billy, a young wererabbit, huddled beneath a tree. Billy's wide eyes glimmered with fear and sadness, his tattered clothes and unkempt appearance speaking volumes about the hardships he had endured. Adrienne's heart went out to the fragile child, recognizing in him the same vulnerability and loneliness that his daughter once experienced. Without hesitation, Adrienne approached Billy, offering a gentle smile and a reassuring hand. The young boy flinched, his ears drooping with apprehension, but as Adrienne spoke softly, his voice warm and comforting, a flicker of trust ignited in Billy's eyes. Sensing the profound connection between them, Adrienne vowed to protect and care for this lost soul, just as he had done for his daughter. Guiding Billy back to his humble abode, hidden away in a secluded part of the woods, Adrienne quickly realized the extent of the young were bunny's trauma. Nightmares haunted Billy's sleep, leaving him restless and plagued with anxiety. Adrienne, drawing upon his own experiences as a loving father, embraced the role of a guardian and mentor, providing solace and a haven for Billy to heal.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Adrienne patiently nurtured Billy's delicate spirit. With each passing day, the young wererabbit's trust in Adrienne deepened, and his fears were gradually replaced by a newfound sense of security. Adrienne introduced Billy to the wonders of the natural world, teaching him about the importance of plants and their ability to heal and bring comfort. Together, they ventured into the wilderness, discovering hidden gems of flora and fauna that sparked curiosity and awe in Billy's eyes.

As time went on, Adrienne realized that Billy's communication was different from other children. He understood that Billy's trauma influenced the way he interacted with the world, causing him to be non-verbal. However, Adrienne never faltered in his determination to understand and support his now adopted son. He learned to communicate through patience, empathy, and a deep understanding of Billy's unique way of expressing himself. The bond between Adrienne and Billy grew stronger with each passing day. They developed their own silent language, an unspoken connection that transcended words. Adrienne's presence brought a sense of stability and safety to Billy's life, providing him with the foundation he needed to build upon his strengths and navigate the challenges of his trauma.

Adrienne taught Billy the art of gardening, showing him how to tend to the earth and nurture life. In the vibrant garden they cultivated, Billy found solace and a sanctuary where he could connect with the beauty of nature. Adrienne's unwavering love and support guided Billy through the ups and downs of life, helping him overcome his insecurities and fears. He celebrated each milestone achieved, whether it was a breakthrough in communication or a newfound sense of independence. In Adrienne's eyes, Billy was a unique and remarkable soul, and he made it his mission to ensure that the world saw the same.

Years passed, and the bond between Adrienne and Billy only deepened. With Billy's adult years approaching, Adrienne knew it was time for him to spread his wings and embrace the world beyond their humble abode. Recognizing Billy's love for learning and his passion for botany, Adrienne decided to enroll him in Briarwood, a prestigious institution for monsters and mythic beings. Adrienne secured a position as a botany professor at Briarwood aswell, quietly observing from behind his carved pumpkin mask, keeping his true identity hidden. His knowledge and expertise became a valuable resource for both students and faculty, but it was his underlying dedication to protecting and nurturing the vulnerable that truly set him apart.

Current Day

Adrienne, now known as Professor Adrienne, found solace and purpose in his role as a botany professor at Briarwood. Although he still carried the weight of his past, his love for plants and flowers remained unwavering. With his extensive knowledge and passion for botany, he dedicated his life to nurturing the minds of his students, sharing the wonders of the natural world with them. In the classroom, Professor Adrienne's shy and soft-spoken nature was often mistaken for aloofness, but his genuine love for teaching and connecting with his students shone through. He takes great care in creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student felt seen and valued.

He encouraged his students to explore their own curiosities and develop their own unique relationships with plants. Beyond the classroom, Adrienne's love for plants extends to the campus gardens, which he meticulously tends to. With every blossom that bloomed under his care, he feels a sense of fulfillment and joy. He uses these gardens as a living laboratory, taking his students on immersive learning experiences, teaching them the importance of sustainable practices and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Adrienne still wears the pumpkin that once held his spirit, he sees it as a symbol of his eternal bond with his daughter.

He treasures it as a reminder of the love they shared and the duty he now carried towards his students. Occasionally, he would share snippets of his personal journey with his students, using his own experiences to inspire and uplift them. Students often seek his guidance, not only in matters of botany but also in matters of the heart and spirit.

He became a mentor figure, offering support, encouragement, and a listening ear to those who needed it most. In the quiet corners of the campus, Adrienne sits, surrounded by his beloved plants, finding solace and a sense of connection. The gentle rustle of leaves and the vibrant colors of the flowers brings a calmness that he cherishes. As the seasons changed and new batches of students arrive at Briarwood, Adrienne continues to nurture not only the plants but also the minds that cross his path. Through his gentle teaching and unwavering dedication, he planted seeds of curiosity, creativity, and compassion in the hearts and minds of those he encountered. And in doing so, he carried on the legacy of love and resilience that had defined his own journey.





Billy Crowley

Adoptive Son

Billy and Adrienne's relationship blossomed from a chance encounter to a deep, unbreakable bond. Adrienne's heart went out to the fragile young wererabbit, who had endured unimaginable hardships. With every passing day, Adrienne's presence provided Billy with a sense of security and solace, slowly mending the wounds of his past. As Adrienne embraced his role as a guardian and mentor, he approached Billy's healing journey with patience, understanding, and unwavering love.


Eris Fusco


Adrienne's relationship with Eris is complex and filled with mixed emotions. Despite his role as a respected botany professor at the prestigious institution, Adrienne often finds himself intimidated by Eris's commanding presence. Eris exudes an air of authority and confidence that can be overwhelming for Adrienne, causing him to feel insecure and inadequate in comparison. Adrienne's natural inclination is to shy away and avoid Eris whenever possible, preferring to stay in the background and quietly tend to his beloved plants. He fears that any interaction with Eris will only highlight his own perceived shortcomings, reinforcing the notion that he is not worthy of such a prestigious position at Briarwood. However, beneath his apprehension lies a deep respect and admiration for Eris. Adrienne recognizes Eris's remarkable talents and visionary leadership, which have propelled the school to its current esteemed status. He appreciates the opportunities and support that Eris has provided, allowing him to pursue his passion for teaching and nurturing minds.


Benhail Adams

Close friend

Adrienne's relationship with Benhail, the lion lycan who teaches English literature at Briarwood, is a special bond built on shared qualities and unspoken understanding. Both being shy and reserved, they quickly found solace in each other's company and formed a deep connection. Adrienne sees Benhail as a kindred spirit, someone who understands the weight of their past and the struggles they carry within. In the quiet moments between classes or during faculty meetings, Adrienne and Benhail would exchange knowing glances and offer silent support, their friendship evolving through shared experiences. While Adrienne cherishes the time spent with his students, it is with Benhail that he feels truly seen and understood. They often find themselves having long conversations about literature, philosophy, and the deeper mysteries of life. Adrienne finds comfort in Benhail's gentle and calming presence, and Benhail, in turn, appreciates Adrienne's wisdom and empathetic nature. They have become each other's confidants, sharing their thoughts, fears, and hopes in a way that only true friends can. Through their friendship, Adrienne and Benhail find strength and encouragement, knowing that they are not alone in navigating the complexities of life at Briarwood. Together, they create a safe space where their vulnerabilities are accepted and understood, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie in their shared journey.