Korova 🌸



7 months, 26 days ago


I do several flips at the sight of her 

My Sweet Blood Sorceress, ‘Thorn of Equity’

She can hunt small birds, and walk on the fence-tops.. she will fade away from any timeline that no longer serves her. 

Her primary power is one that heals, but her vines have evolved to also absorb organic matter, and sprout poisonous thorns under stressful conditions. She will begin to grow roots if shes in critical condition, as a last attempt to replenish her injured  body. She only has slight control over this as of now, and it will leave her immobile and vulnerable to attack while its in use. She feeds most effectively this way off of blood soaked soil, or nearby carcasses. The vines will also absorb water just as efficiently, but have a tendency to reach too far into the ground searching for it. Directly after feeding this way, her colors will be more vibrant, her hair will look healthier, and additional blossoms may appear across her body. When she is unhealthy, she will wilt and drain of color. Her diet largely consists of smaller prey animals, but has allegedly been devouring horses, and even wolves.

It takes concentrated effort to use her innate abilities, but she trains often and grows stronger with every use. Her unarmed attacks have an added claw buff, and she’s crafted herself a bladed cuff that attaches to her forearm. With this she can create an opening, and from there use the spilled blood to begin an internal infiltration of poisonous vines. Organisms killed this way will eventually be digested, and flowers will grow where they fell.

She will often seek out secluded areas of forest to rest herself, if she stays there for too long the foliage will begin to envelop her. She finds this comforting, and it camouflages her well.

She does not stay confined to one timeline, and has seen the rise and fall of countless empires. In Her Home Timeline, she dwells between the veil of living and dead. Her vines have overtaken an abandoned manor,  which is a hotspot for supernatural activity as a result of her presence. she houses other souls in the guest houses of the property, and allow them free reign of everything besides the manor itself. She seldom leaves, but when she does, it is to wander the acres. She likes to spend time in the church, and the private graveyard surrounding it.

 She was able to get to this plane of existence by absorbing a great evil, and using the power she had gained to pull herself out of it’s manufactured HellScape. Every building is marked with several demon traps, and banishing spells. The very last thing Korova wants, is for anything sinister to come searching where they do not belong.

She smells like fallen magnolias, that had been trampled into moist undergrowth with expensive leather shoes. Her fur smells warm, and freshly perfumed.