sol β€˜ weaver.



7 months, 30 days ago



he | they

Sol 'Weaver is incredibly laid back and introverted, often preferring the solitude of the woods over the bustling camp. His calm demeanor and tendency to observe rather than participate in group activities might make him seem aloof at first.
Communication is Sol 'Weaver's Achilles' heel, and he often finds himself struggling to express his thoughts and feelings. This difficulty in talking to others can make him appear distant or even flustered, especially in large gatherings. He often finds himself stuttering over his own words. He's a loner by nature, and his solitude is his sanctuary. He's wary of forming connections with others, afraid of the commitment and feelings that comes with forming bonds; he has a fear of abandonment; however, once a bond is formed with someone, he becomes a loyal and caring friend, willing to open up and share his thoughts more freely.
Despite his introverted nature, Sol 'Weaver has a lively and sarcastic sense of humor that he deploys when he feels comfortable. He can keep a conversation going with witty remarks and clever comebacks, surprising those who may have underestimated his conversational abilities.
He's the kind of cat who might start a conversation with a seemingly simple observation, and before you know it, he's weaving an intricate tale filled with wit and charm. Sol 'Weaver's conversations are often a rollercoaster of emotions, starting with a hint of mystery, transitioning into laughter, and then diving into deep musings about life, the stars, and the world around him. He is a cat who will surprise you with his depth and wisdom, all wrapped in a quiet and enigmatic package.
Above all, Sol 'Weaver is fiercely protective of those he cares about. He might not say much, but his actions speak volumes when it comes to safeguarding his friends and clanmates. He'll go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being, revealing his true character once a deep connection is established.