Edwin Windcrest



7 months, 17 days ago


Oldest son of the ducal family Windcrest. Their ancestral home is in Eldenspire - a grand mansion with no equal. He is charismatic, adored by people - and fills the void in his heart by sleeping around, having great parties and possibly more than a few orgies. Much to his parents' disapproval, he likes the arts. He plays the violin, piano and lute. Painting is one of his hobbies, started at the age of 5, and he realized he was quite skilled at it by the age of 12. At the age of 16 he quit after some harsh words from his father, but started up again at 20. He is part of a secret organization, the crimson crusade, which seeks to hold nobles and vampires of eldenspire accountable to their wrongdoings.

The Windcrest family is the richest family in the entirety of Alyrio, owing to the fact that their bloodline pre-dates the Great Exodus, and that they were the only family with any remaining airships after the Great Exodus. This let them monopolize the shipping market and quickly rack up assets.

Due to orchestrating the fall of the Falcora family, a family that had sought to bring in a very dangerous automaton into the city under their control rather than the city defense, as well as aquiring the deed to their estate with the help of Anastasia Teach and her crew, Edwin's father has decided that he is ready to take over the family business... finally letting Marcel and Elaina Windcrest retire. He is somewhat at odds with his sister Camilé Windcrest, as they grew up feeling their lives was somewhat of a competition - a race to prove themselves the better child, the one worthy to inherit. Camilé finds it gravely unjust that her brother who has little interest in the business has been handed everything - fortune and all. Anastasia and her sister Isabella are working towards reconciling the Windcrest siblings.

(rough synopsis/info, to be changed/edited)