


6 months, 8 days ago



Once a proud high elf ranger, Rath’andrel’s life was forever changed when she was turned into a san’layn and forced to serve the Lich King and his Scourge army. When the knights of the Ebon Blade, among whom was a troll death knight she grew fond of, rose up against him she saw her opportunity and joined them, breaking free of the Lich King’s control.

She’s joined the Ebon Blade, using her vampiric powers, and her blades, on its enemies. Wherever Rath’andrel’s loyalties lie, however, she always serves herself and those few closest to her above all else - and in roughly that order.


Rath’andrel is of average height with a somewhat lanky build, although her chronically bad posture makes her appear a little shorter. She usually keeps a hood and scarf up over her face, especially if she needs to travel by day or be around less shady company.

If her hood and scarf are down, one can see that she has a gaunt face with hungry, blood-red eyes, and a pair of fangs jutting from her undead lips. There is no mistaking her for anything other than a vampiric elf: a san’layn. Her hair is green, naturally wavy, and cut in a short and masculine style. Despite her tired eyes, Rath’andrel often has a mischievous or playful expression and isn’t shy about flashing a dangerous smile.