
6 months, 3 hours ago


This section is the character’s profile. Looking for his design details? See that button above.


"C’mon, let’s see how much more you can handle!"


The basic understanding of Hulum is that before everything, he values his entertainment and/or enjoyment. What that means varies wildly and can be anything from torturous mind games that lead to death to pulling up flowers grown for years before the eyes of the cultivator and the space inbetween. As long as there's fun in something he'll participate. His intellect makes him a masterful manipulator capable of too much damage. He limits his interactions quite a bit due to his interests - can't go killing off every human, he'd lose his entertainment! Hulum isn't a good person and doesn't try to be. He knows he's doing horrific things - he doesn't care enough to stop.


  • Lucia
  • Emotional 'Experimentation'
  • Psychological 'Experimentation'


  • Boredom
  • Elderly Humans
  • 'Stiffs'
  • Hulum dislikes the elderly because he was very 'attached' to one. They were his first Dreamer and he found them fascinating. They were around sixty at the time and due to Hulum's lack of control they ended up passing on much earlier than they would have. They tried to help him understand emotion but when he lashed out they forced him out of an Imperium. He forced his way back inside and would have been trapped forever if the older man hadn't pushed him back out before the complete obliteration by taking his place. The sacrifice backfired as it fractured Hulum's Core and warped his character to somewhere beyond insanity.
  • Hulum despises his first Dreamer for what he perceived as their betrayal. Really the older man saved his life but neither of them knew or will ever know they broke a Universal Law.
  • Hulum is one of the most powerful Polymitarius in existence despite not being a Originator. The others attribute it to the damage done to his Core that allows him to slip through the cracks others never will be able to.
  • The nature of the injury, or damage, to his Core means Hulum will never recover. The damage is still causing severe emotional/psychological deterioration. Hulum can't 'die' because his Core still functions but equally he can't 'live' because of the damage.
  • His nature, personality, and state of his Core has seen that he is shunned and visibly hated/despised by all of his kind. Given the chance and the power to overwhelm him the other Polymitarius would destroy his core and 'kill' him instantly and without hesitation.
  • While he's never said it (and it's quite possible he never will) Hulum is 'fond' of Lucia because of her mannerisms and attitude. He knows she's capable of restoring his core and 'fixing' him and he's mentioned it once. He was delighted by her response which was essentially "You don't want to change, why should I?"
  • Made a joke to Lucia once that his tagline should be "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Genocide" because of his former hatred of humans. She took it seriously and got him a name tag with the phrase one day. (He won't admit he kept it despite bitching her out but she has a feeling)

Layout by Parziivale | Code by Aurorean

This section is a rundown of the characters design and liberties that can / can not be taken when including them in artwork. Looking for his profile? See that button above.



  • Not Allowed
  • Allowed
  • Ask First

  • Gift Art/ Writing
  • NSFW
  • Gore
  • Different outfits
  • Different hairstyles
  • Interacting with your character(s)

  • Presents himself with a 'mysterious' air and seems 'engimatic'. Hulum drops the act around those he finds 'interesting'. Also very much corrosively toxic in the worst possible ways. He always gives off a dangerous feeling.
  • Very annoying - he tries to get reactions from anyone he deems interesting. The type of reaction doesn't matter - if it isn't neutral he'll savor it.
  • Doesn't seem to care for anything or anyone. Hulum isn't known to hold affection either.
  • HEIGHT Tallest
  • BODY SHAPE Rectangular | Mesomorph
  • RACE Polymitarius
  • EYE SHAPE Upturned


  • Always smiling regardless of the situation. The only changes here are the intensity or strain and whether or not his teeth are shown.
  • Hulum's teeth can be human or 'shark'/sharp in humanoid form. His true form should always have sharp ones.
  • His 'main' eyes only open when he's genuinely upset/angry. His third eye only opens when transformed in his monster forms.
  • His hairstyles are up in the air in terms of alternations if they exclude length changes. As long as the general length is the same changing his style/cut is absolutely okay.
  • Hulum's true form should be smokey/whispy if in motion. 'Parts' of his 'body' will separate and sway/move until he stands still. The stray whisps will chase the main 'body' to merge and reform.
  • His hands are clawed and the claws are black - he keeps them long enough portrude above the ends of his fingers but short enough so they dont get in the way. Feel free to experiment.
  • In regards to his humanoid height; Hulum can change it at will. He prefers to be taller than anyone he's around but if shorter gets a better reaction he won't hesitate.