Espirix (Espirix (Pokemon Trainer AU))



4 months, 1 day ago


Phantom Thief



Female (she/they)


Demiromantic Asexual

Chaotic Good

Heal Ball
3ani__700__xy.gif 【Misha】 Partner Pokemon - Male Sylveon
"This Pokémon uses its ribbonlike feelers to send a soothing aura into its opponents, erasing their hostility."
A sweet little Sylveon and Espirix other half. His personality seems to reflect the other side of Espirix’s, meaning her shyer side. Having grown up with Espirix since he was a tiny Eevee, his emotions are highly in tune with hers. Misha is very affectionate and is never far from Espirix’s side, preferring to be near her rather than play with other Pokemon. He has a big sweet tooth and is always demanding the sweetest of treats, as well as having a tendency to hoard sparkly things.
3ani_-S_571__xy.gif 【Foxtrot】 Second Pokemon - Male Zoroark (Shiny)
"It doesn't just transform itself—it also has the power to make hundreds of people see its illusions."
Frequently disguises himself as a human. Used to live in Castellia City, Unova. Pretended to be a human and used his illusions to help him steal money, since he learned that’s what humans used to get things like food and shelter. Originally he belonged to a woman who treated him as her own child when he was just a Zorua. He developed a taste for the finer things in life and never was a wild Pokemon. After she got sick she released him before moving into the hospital, but he stuck around Castellia City in hopes that he’d see her again. He stayed there for many years, living in an apartment in an abandoned building and buying food from the convenience stores with the money he stole. One day when Espirix was in town for a heist, Misha picked up on his aura and led Espirix to him. She managed to befriend him and he’s joined her on her journey ever since. He usually is in the crowd using illusions to assist Espirix and ensure she has a smooth getaway. Very reserved and aloof, but secretly panics when Espirix does her more dangerous stunts. Doesn’t like to socialize or battle either.
827.gif 【Arsene】 Third Pokemon - Female Nickit (Shiny)
"Cunning and cautious, this Pokémon survives by stealing food from others. It erases its tracks with swipes of its tail as it makes off with its plunder."
Espirix's newest Pokemon. Hatched from an egg Espirix stole from a corrupt Pokemon breeder, this little Nickit has some very sticky paws.
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Heal_Ball_battle_V.png 【-】 -

Often mistaken for a beautiful /gentleman/ gentleman thief, this young lady has made a name for herself as the mysterious gentleman thief, Espirix. With her pink and red hair and iconic red scarf, Espirix is eye catching and noticeable— when she wants to be. A master of disguise, she can just as easily blend into a crowd as she can stand out. She wants to put on the best show possible, which doesn’t just mean being the flashiest or stealing the most eye-catching and expensive jewels. She takes great care to ensure no one gets harmed during her heists. Espirix is enchanted by the idea of being a star phantom thief and having a fantastic rivalry with a detective. It’s unknown to the public why Espirix chooses to steal, as the items often turn up after a while, but the reason may be no more complex than the thrill of the chase.

Despite being pretty competitive as a phantom thief, Espirix is not that competitive of a trainer. She only casually enjoys Pokemon battles, which matches her own Pokémon’s preferences.

  • Espirix's name is pronounced "ess-peer-ee" or "ess-per-ee"
  • Usually goes by the alias "Esper" when she's in disguise. Whether or not this works well enough to actually hide her identity is debatable.
  • Also changes her hair color from its natural pink to blonde, white, or tan for her disguises. Always keeps the red streak for some reason.
  • Being somewhat flirty is part of her natural demenor, but she doesn't mean any of it romantically.
  • Has big aspiriations and thjnks highly of herself, but really isn't as good as she says she is. She'll probably run into triuble because of her pride at some point.

by VairaSmythe