Client Waren Publico




Height: 6ft 8in (slightly taller now due to neck lengthening and digitigrade legs)
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 25
Magic Type: Music Influence (can use music he sings to calm those around him)

   Client is a Servit, a species of creature that is cybernetic by nature, but the machinery, cords and other bits resemble and act like biological organisms through the use of both electricity and magic. He is also an altered version of his kind, where his body has begun taking on the form of a Linker, a more primitive relative to his species.


   He was once a normal Servit, working at some dead-end job for a company that didn't care about him. His entire life he wanted to be a singer, but he never really tried to pursue that career. He was content where he was for the most part, but always yearned for something more. However, his life would completely change one day when he was abducted and ended up in an illegal fur farm alongside countless other Servits and Linkers.

   Despite his situation, he tried to remain optimistic that things would be ok. Soon another Servit would be thrown into his cell, who turned out to be Popup. He quickly tried to become friends with the pink Servit, who at the time didn't want anything to do with him. As time passed the two would grow close in this dire situation, and Client continued to say that they would get out soon. 

   As the weeks went on, Client began to start feeling sick. His fur grew longer and became itchy, and he felt hot all over. His body ached horribly, especially his legs and neck. He was changing into something else, but even through the sickness and horrible pain, he tried to believe someone would save them. Even as his neck elongated and his legs seemed to break and reform into digitigrade limbs, he held onto hope. Then one day a raid would take down the facility, and he and Popup would be rescued, alongside a Linker pup that Popup refused to leave behind.


   Client is now trying to adjust to his new life. His legs hurt to walk on, so he goes through physical therapy and often walks with crutches. He hopes to get surgery done to correct his legs. His eyes now glow in the dark, which can often spook those around him. Popup has become his best friend, and soon he moves in with the pink Servit so he can get help from the other. He also enjoys babysitting the pup Popup adopted and acts as a good dad when the other is working. He's met all of Pop's friends and gets along with them as well. Despite things, he believes his life is much better than it was.

   He often can be seen walking around in shorts and no shirt. With his fur being so much longer now he has a hard time being comfortable in a lot of clothing and becomes too hot. Shorts are also comfortable for him since they don't make his lower legs hurt by rubbing up against them. Client often experiences bouts of feral behavior due to the nature of Linkers. He will chase laser pointers, lay up in high places, or even sometimes become aggressive if he feels threatened (growls and bears his teeth). Both him and Popup experience nightmares because of what they went through, and Client's tends to leave him curled up and panicking. Thankfully they are there for one another, and slowly they are working through the trauma in any way they can with the help of their friends.


   Client is an extreme optimist. While in the fur farm, he would constantly tell Pop that the both of them would end up alright and that maybe soon they would be let out. Even as he was turning into something against his will, he still held onto the idea that they would be alright. Thankfully things turned out ok in the end, but Pop often chastises him for being so happy-go-lucky in the face of danger and opposition. Despite this, he still can light up an entire room with his smile and laughter and refuses to stop being who he is. He's the kind of person who can talk to anyone and loves listening to others tell their stories to him.

   There are times when even he becomes extremely sad or frustrated, however, and it usually has something to do with his past relationships with his family. He never really got along with them, and it was not due to him not trying to. His parents just never really cared about him, and once he was old enough to start working they kicked him out with barely a goodbye. So he tries to be the kindness he wishes he got when he was younger, even if sometimes it's hard.

Inspired by the song It'll Be Alright by Cody Francis