Cookie (Sigma-Black)



2 years, 24 days ago


▶ P R O F I L E ▪ I N F O R M A T I O N _

▶Name: Cooper
▶Age: Appears late 20s
▶Sex: Male
▶Class: N/A (archivist; non-field)
▶Weight: ?
▶Height: 180cm (5' 11)
▶D.O.B.: 29th Sep
▶Code Name: N/A

▶ S T A T S _

▶ [[STR]] : [[ 6 ]]
▶ [[DEX]] : [[ 6 ]]
▶ [[INT]] : [[ 10 ]]
▶ [[WIL]] : [[ 6 ]]

▶ P E R S O N A L I T Y_

down-to-earth | unenthusiastic | impassive | independent

Realistic in real life, goes places in his head. Little shows on his face, but a lot of thoughts go on inside. Resting tired face, matched by his reluctance to get involved in bothersome things (most things to him). Curious, but doesn't like to take risks. A safe adventure would be good for him.

▶ B I O _
He was part of a litter of a witch's cat. He was bitten by a witch's unsupervised baby soon after he was born and was cursed with a human conscience. After getting bored of the typical suburban cat life, he began hanging around in a 24 hour library reading the literature, but eventually got kicked out due to looking dodgy, staying there too long and having no ID on him. He joined Sigma where he oversees Sigma's physical archives and is able to read his books in peace.

▶ A B I L I T Y : W E R E H U M A N [Su]

He is forced to turn into a human every full moon but can voluntarily turn when he wants. As a human, he has remarkable creative and organisation prowess, one of the great traits of human beings.

▶ E X T R A S _

He sometimes writes poetry.
Loves eating raw duck.
Considers himself atheist.