tbd's Comments

hi i saw on the folder taht its ok to ask!! would you take offers on this guy by any chance? :]c

hiiii!! i might be willing depending on what u offer!! ^^ yellow is my fave color so i may be a bit picky, but if anything id be open to co-owning them with u if nothing else! ^^

thank you for the chance!! and ty for offering to co own! thats very sweet of u but i don't feel that confortable co owning a chara with someone im not friends with!! i feel like im forcing you into this situation tbh i hope im not making you unconfy sbwjnqsb

i could offer someone on Smol-cotton ?? or art if that interests you! if not ic ould possibly offer a resale if you dont mind waiting for a bit too :3c

oh no worries at all! ur not bothering me or making me uncomfy whatsoever, i promise!! ^^ and that's understandable in terms of co-owning!! everyone has different comfortableness and preferences when it comes to ocs and such so it's rlly no issue at all! 

your art is v v cute and there were a few characters that i think are rlly pretty, but unfortunately the ones i like most (aside from one freebie lol) are worth more than this lil fella and i feel bad asking for a design that costed u more than what this one costed me TwT (they were $10 which is a rlly low price 4 such a pretty design) i just wanted to see if u had any specific offers in mind in terms of art or what ocs u would be comfy with trading b4 i ask 4 anything 🙏 sorry if that is annoying or anything!! ^^" 

hell yeah then!! I'm glad!! <3 ty for understanding

lmk which character! maybe id be willing to! it depends as i have different levels of being tent with characters BHWABH
or I could possibly offer one icon or one small chibi instead!

also lmk which freebie you like!! i oculd give it to you since. well. freebie lol

and its not annoying at all!! :3c don't worry!!

hi!! hopefully its ok to bump this! im not sure if it got lost on your notifs or if you saw and havent had time!! :D if its the second dw really!! sorry if its annoying MNSWQNM

(hii! ur not annoying or anything no worries omg im sorry im taking 4evrr things are just rlllyy rlly rough right now. had covid, still unemployed, only csn afford one months rent (just barely) but not my student loan payment or credit card payment, etc. so ive been staying away from toyhouse in order to make sure i dont soend anymore money that i dont have T^T i promise as soon as im safer to browse toyhouse more carefree i will give u the answer u deserve!!! for now all i can say is that i have to prioritize money offers for anyone atm T^T) 

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