Akiko Inumaki



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Akiko Inumaki
Akiko Inumaki
Biographical Information
あき-こ 狗
Inumaki Akiko
Personal Description
September 22
161.544 cm (5'3 ft")
Hair Color
Eye Color
Professional Status
Chiyo Inumaki (Mother)
Hiroto Inumaki (Father)
Toge Inumaki (Cousin)
Semi Grade 1
First Appearance
Manga Debut
Anime Debut
Japanese Voice
English Voice

Akiko Inumaki (あき-こ 狗 Akiko Inumaki) is one of the main protagonists of Jujutsu Kaisen series. She is a first-year student and semi grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer at Tokyo Jujutsu High working along side Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara. Akiko Inumaki is a cousin of Toge Inumaki, living with him and his family when her parents went M.I.A after one mission when she was young. Akiko studying under Satoru Gojo when she was accepted at Jujutsu High.


Akiko is a young woman who is average height and has a slim figure. She has light brown hair that reaches down to her shoulders. Her bangs are long cup around her face. She has light purple eyes with long eyelashes and thin brows matching her hair. Akiko also has a mole on left side of her cheek, close to her eye.

Akiko typically wears her style of jujutsu school uniform which consist of a dark blue dress with puffly sleeve and a high collar. With her uniform there are silts in the on th sleeves (upper arms) and breast slit as well. She tends to have a black belt that holds some medication for her if she loses her voice. She also tends to always have a pair of sunglasses on her or in her hair no matter the season. Akiko highly enjoys dressing up and has several different outfits. She prefers always wearing stylish yet comfortable clothing. She also has her first piercing though she tends not to wear them often.

Akiko is a confident, intelligent, independent/reserve person and she tends to stand her ground despite others who try and knock her down. Akiko doesn’t take other people’s nonsense for a second and will call them out for it. She’s very head-strong and will speak up for herself and others when she knows they don’t have a voice to speak up for themselves.

Even if it seems like Akiko speak up often, she’s very attentive and quiet in general. She’s highly sensitive to other people emotions and feelings. She knows when it’s the right to speak and to just stay silent and listen to other person and their words. As a girl who grew up not talking much at first due to her technique from not speaking much in elementary school, she learned how to be a good listener and able to read people through their body language and eyes. Though Akiko does have these good traits, she is highly stubborn. Akiko knows how to hold a grudge on others and will so for an extremely long time. Akiko very reckless especially when it comes to her curse technique. She ignores her family and others suggesting not to speak much or even not at all due to her technique, as she enjoys the freedom of speech that everyone else has. Akiko is also highly emotional but tries to compress her emotions not wanting other to see her in such an emotional state. One of defining character traits of Akiko is reserve confidence, being able to go places with such certainty despite how she truly feels.
Abilities and Powers

Overall Skill Level: Akiko is ranked as semi grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer and has a lot potential for someone of her age. Her skillset grow as she learns and grow. However she is not as strong/power compared to Toge, Aoi,and Yuta.

Akiko may not have inherited Inumaki Curse speech technique, she did however has a 'new strand' of the technique. Satoru believes that Akiko has the protentional on becoming an extremely strong sorcerer despite the flawed in her techinque. Her technique showed a lot of similairities as to Toge's with her being able to command others by just speaking. However she needs direct eye contact with her opponent. Both her and her opponent must lock eyes in order for her technique to even work properly. Akiko has a good graps on which phrases and words to use that is strong or weak when battling. Akiko curse Technique comes with several downfalls. Though it being strong technique with able to command others, she can only control one person at time unlike Toge who is able to command anyone who hears him. Akiko needs that eye contact without any sort of barrier otherwises the technique won't work. This applies to eye contacts, sunglasses, glass etc as those all counts as barriers. Though Akiko finds that downfall as a upside as she uses it to speak freely by just putting on sunglasses without the fear of commandingn someone. Another few downfalls she has is that using too much of her curse technique her throat can become irritate to the point she's coughing up blood, she cher losing her voice leaving her completely useless. Also using it too much and screaming out her commands can make her dizzy and begin to lose her vision.

Immense Reflexes:Akiko's reflexes are above average which is where a her combate abilities mostly lie. She has the ability to react rather quickly. With this she can able to counter attack if needed in a battle.

High Endurance: Akiko curse technique requires a high amount of stamina to use. It causes extreme throat irritation nearly causing Akiko lose her voice, coughing up blood, dizziness, or losing her sight if overused. Despite this, Akiki continues to fight even after she reaches her limit and is able to make commands as she begins to lose her voice. .

Cursed Energy Manipulation

Great Cursed Energy: While she’s not on the level of a special grade, Akiko has a high amount of curse energy. If having the small eye contact with an opponet in the far distact she is able to control them. .

Innate Technique

See and Hear (見て、聞いてる Mite Kiku): Akiko has a marking on her tongue similar to the Inumaki clan. With the marking allowed to have a similar technique as Toge’s, being able to infuse her words with curse energy to make spirits and others obey her command. This power can target all livings. Akiko must make eye contact with the opponent with no barrier such as sunglasses, contacts etc as it will cancel out the effect. Akiko is also unable to command more than one person at a time.


"Stay Still"/ "Freeze ( ): With this command, it will inmoblizes her opponet and their attacks.



Battles & Events
  • According to Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook:
  • Favourite Hobbies: Reading (Fiction), Going places/Walking around, shopping, photography
  • Favourite Food:Onigiri
  • Least favourite Food:konnyaku
  • Cause of Stress: Trying to find a good pair of sunglasses that goes with every outfit!
  • No one really knows what happen to Akiko's parents. After they went M.I.A for several days after going for a mission when she was extremely young, she was placed into Toge's parents care. She and Toge grew up, treating each other as siblings compare to cousins.
  • Though Toge and Akiko don't look related, it's their curse technique that people can tell they are family.
  • Growing up with Toge, she was a victim to his pranks several times.
  • The marking on Akiko's tonge is a circle that broke that has wavelegthns on it.
  • Akiko met Megumi prior before the event of JJK began. Since she was under Toge's family care, she visit the school. When meeting Gojo, he pushed Akiko and Megumi together. He claimed for them to meet and chat as they would classmates the next year
  • Akiko tends to despise the mole on her face. She felt like it was an ugly mark on her! When a Norbara and Hayami commented that the moleis a beauty mark and makes her look cute, Akiko hatred for the mole loosen up.
  • Todo did ask Akiko on her type of guy. Akiko shrugged the question off and replied with 'As long as he's serious, mysterious and will stop me before I fuck up, I'm into him.'
  • In the Shibuya Incident, Akiko lost her left forearm. Akiko was thankful that was all she lost and all the damage she recieved. She was even thankful that it wasn't her dominate hand.