


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Date Of Creation:

March 30th, 2012



r e d -  l AE n d
he is an original character

5.5 years
Sexual Pref: 
Anglo Arabian x Missouri Fox Trotter x Mustang x Friesian x Clydesdale x Appendix Quarter Horse
gold champagne reverse brindle
Mane Color:
Tail Color:
Eye Color:
dark green
Hoof Color:
four stocks, blaze, reverse brindle


scotland, amber cream champagne brindle, Ee/aa/nCh/nCr
washita red dew, palomino, ee/Aa/nCr

red archer, gold champange, colt
kadian, bay, colt
red nova, amber cream champagne, filly

100% - lame right front shoulder, PTSD: trigged by laboring/pregnant mares
Herd Info: 

Once a very silent and gentle beast, the stallion doesn't know who he is. He rarely speaks or looks anybody in the eyes. He see's the truth in the actions of others, confused by what events took him from his home. He wakes in the nights from nightmares. One moment he's social like before, but the next he just shuts down and wants to hide. There is fear in his eyes at times and he has a fear of being around mares while the foaling. He doesn't know who he is anymore, even with the help of his ghostly ancestors. He has no temper at all, but he has no other emotions either except fear. Flares of excitement may show themselves, but mostly a blank look with the look of death and fear in his eyes. He wants things to change but doesn't know how to begin, he wants to be his old self. But that was something that died the night he chased away the bad things.
 Redland grew up in a very simple lifestyle, though it always seemed to be lacking something. His father was dead by the time that he was born and his mother left him on the doorstep of his father's homeland. The herd land had many generations of his family members living in it when he was little. He was told that one day he would rule alongside his house, who was the daughter of the aunt who raised him. He grew up learning from his grandmother's ghost, who taught him about the land he knew as home, Emerald Kingdom. He often wondered what she was like when she was in her prime, but he still felt proud to be her grandson. While his family members kept dying and passing on, he soon found himself mostly alone. He had an encounter with a bay mare by the name of Morphine, which he had planned to be nothing more than a sexual game. He noticed he messed up when she came to his home in labor. The stallion slowly began to freak out, not prepared to be faced with a laboring mare. The ghost of his grandmother appeared and offered advice, watching her great grand son be born. He was shocked that he had a son, but they named him Red Archer. It was not long after his son was born that rogue stallions raided the land and he fought to protect his family. He disappeared to chase them away, but instead, he was captured and taken away from his homeland. The group left him far from home and when he finally woke, he found himself being taken care of by an older mare. As his strength returned, he made his journey back to the Emerald Kingdom. He found Morphine and their son still in the Emerald Kingdom and from where they spent time together. Over time they became mates and they raised their son and by the time that a year had passed, she became pregnant with their second son Kadian. The pregnancy went well, though he could not be with her while she labored. The stallion protected the herdland, determined not to be taken away from his mate this time. The time passed by slowly and one-day Morphine disappeared, leaving him to take care of their children. When Morphine stumbled back home, she was pregnant by another stallion and it shocked him. He was never quite aware if it was intentional or if something had happened to her and she was forced. The foal was to be raised with their sons, never to know the difference as to who his sire was and his name was Leo. It never seemed to be quiet for the family, no matter how hard they tried. When his son spoke of a mare being pregnant with his foal, the stallion started to notice that his kids were not so little anymore. It was right around that time that Morphine told him that she was pregnant with their third child. Something deep inside of him snapped and the stallion went out, looking for something to get his mind off of things. He made his way back home and struggled mentally until one day, he found out that he was a grandfather. He fought with his son to bring his grandson home. After his grandson was home, he just couldn't quite deal with it anymore. Whatever was broken in his mind finally finished snapping and he went to leave his home for good. But as he was on his path away from the Emerald Kingdom, he found a mountain lion. He had to protect them and he led them away, even if it meant dying himself. The stallion was attacked and he fled, leading the mountain lion away. He fought the lion to his death, but not before he killed the cat himself. As he laid there, he thought of everything that he was leaving behind. When he woke, he was staring at his own body. He was shocked at the site, but he wondered if this would forever be his fate? He waited around for a long time before he saw his pregnant mate and their youngest son Kadian appear. It was hard for the family to deal with his death but he stuck with them, knowing he would never again be able to touch them. He was pleased when his daughter was born, in love with her from the moment that he saw her. Though he was not able to stick to close to Morphine while she was laboring, he knew he could never leave them again. After six months outside of Wild Equines, they came back to find their son and see what had become of the land that they once knew as home.