


8 months, 7 days ago


Rachiel - She/her

Rachiel and Rozina were long-term rivals of each other in their past lives, as Rose and Razima.

(Razima/Rachiel is of a custom species of mine called "Shadows." They are made of... well, shadows, so too much exposure to sunlight can shorten their lifespans.)

In their new post-mortal vessels, they near immortality with few weaknesses. By becoming a 'Point' in an unconventional manner, Rachiel has the ability to manipulate human souls into 'Points,' too, if she so desires. (She achived this through sacrificing her old mortal form, proving to the Hinarian Gods of Mortality and Immortality she was willing to do anything to stay close to her rival for as long as she wanted.)

Rachiel strayed away from Rose for a long while, as she didn't want to reveal herself until she was ready. She wasn't quite sure what she was waiting for, though.

She lost sight of herself the day that her creator, Ectorvous, and sibling, Arimas, passed away. It was sometime in the 2180s. Ectorvous had been clinging to his mortal coil with a cursed gem, which got destroyed that evening. That was fine, it was bound to happen eventually. What she hadn't been prepared to cope with was that when she went back to see Arimas after the fact, he was already fading away. Shadows last close to 200 years, but his fading away was premature by about 35. The reason isn't easy to define, but as he saw his older sister for one final time, he remarked that "maybe he'd gotten too much sunlight." (Rachiel's other sibling, Sylus, had passed from light-based injuries/radiation in the 2120s, but she wasn't quite as devastated because both she and Arimas already saw that coming, and because the two still had each other.)

Throughout the next 150 years, Rachiel repeatedly fell in an out of a depressive state, trying over and over to find a moment of fleeting happiness through various means. She would fall into negative spirals for months on end. (At least Points don't have to consume sustenance to get by...) She tried partaking in countless activities that were a normal part of day-to-day life for humans, things she never had to do. Bouncing around jobs, volunteering in whatever community she was currently surrounded by, partaking in cosplay, and so on. But no matter what she did, she was constantly haunted by the effect mortality had on someone who was immortal. Friends she started to make got into accidents or caught diseases. Any stranger passing by in the street could end up dead the next day. It all made her wonder why she really wanted to become immortal in the first place. Rose still hadn't come back as a Point since her mortal death, so what could Rachiel even do, really?

She soon learned of some widely-known crime bosses and criminals that she had before been ignorant to. Maybe it wasn't worth her time to try being good. Maybe it would be more fun to assist in villainy... that was what she was originally made for, right? So she stopped trying to be good. She got caught up in shenanigans like graffiti and piracy, and endorsed crimes like robberies (only bank robberies since she believes individuals and families deserve to keep their own belongings) and tax fraud. She found that engaging in criminal activity brought her far more joy than slugging around doing good. At least it was easier to keep her mind off of things, since now she was always doing something. She became greatly appreciated in crime circles, what with having an immaculate sense of planning and being able to go weeks without sleep if she wanted to.