Mo Tel-Seong



6 months, 7 days ago



BirthdaySeptember 11th - Sagittarius
Life typeDoll (golem)
GenderVe/vem/veer/vemself (agender)
OccupationLanguages teacher


  Decently social and confident, but often tone-deaf and clueless, innocently hurting others in that way. All sides seem valid and fascinating, so on one hand it makes vem extremely non-judgmental, on the other, struggling to form personal opinions. In extreme cases that leads to a lot of fence-sitting and accepting even of morally detestable things or people

  Can treat everyone too equally, oversharing with strangers or acting detached from loved ones. Sometimes wants to spend time with new interesting people rather than invest in quality time with old friends, and sees nothing wrong with it. Interested in off-putting, macabre and emotionally charged topics like natural disasters, plagues, banned experiments and other

  Quite a sensory person: speaks loudly, gesticulates strongly, touches the responder. Reacts to emotion with emotion. Often says something out-of-the-box just because it's what popped up in veer mind. Somewhat stiff and robotic in movements, but likes balancing out mental activity with physical

  Has a lot of interests and projects ve switches between. Loves looking for unorthodox methods/explanations, but is more interested in innovating new things than executing or improving existing ones. Has poor eye for detail and sometimes loses track of priorities and efficiency, but multitasks easily