


7 months, 16 days ago

Basic Info


FungalWing, he/they

A FungalWing who's a bit... Off of his own rocker. Very obsessed with FungalWing cryptids and mythology, especially with those rumored to exist as mortal beings he could find. He has a strong desire for hunting them all down to pursue his studies and become the most infamous scientist in the FungalWing kingdom. The one he's inspired off the most is the Liminal Deity, having a very odd infatuation with that cryptid and very determined to catch him and at least speak to him- something everyone claims he's never done before.

He has a base somewhat close to the Great Mushroom, as some hear, to try and steal the knowledge there. There is also rumors of him having a base near the sea itself to look for the beast, hopping from coast to coast as he tries to follow its location. He desires to be the first to get any new records on the beast, determined to beat out his other scientists and to get answers once and for all.

He has a small group of followers called "The Unders", where they all follow his lead and scientific knowledge he's gathered. Some join to fuel his ambitions, but others mostly come to try and gather the knowledge he has, knowing he's a bit crazy but admittedly wanting all of the notes he keeps a mess of in many different folders. 

He has some history with Asper and his family, being a few years older than the boy, but doesn't have any sort of feelings towards him. He knows Asper finds him weird, but he hopes that the dragon will come to his side eventually, knowing that Asper likes the Liminal Deity tale as well.


BACKSTORY: Ghaster grew up around Asper and Wither, not being super close to them but close enough to share their interests in the Liminal Deity and the other deities around them. Ghaster had an odd fascination with all of the deities he learned about, growing a very sick desire to try and pursue them to see them for himself and use it all for his gain somehow. He did as much research as he could, having a dream someday to also get into the Great Mushroom and access the secrets there. It's still a dream of his, but he knows he needs to find more resources to get what he deserves. He develops "The Unders", a group of other dragons who are just as determined as he is to find the deities. He also tries to keep swindling Asper, but he keeps denying it. Annoyed with his constant refusals, Ghaster decides to... "displace" Wither for the time being and instead focuses on his own studies, determined to figure it all out.

CAVERNS BELOW: During the other's time with Usnea, Ghaster goes down to the South Mycelinae Forest and meets Woods, who attempts to swindle him into his deals. Ghaster, seeing an opportunity to use a flourishing businessman's wealth, agrees to it. He meets up with Asper again when he comes by, offering him one more chance to join, but Asper continues to deny him and leaves with his new group of friends, Ghaster holding a little bit of bitterness but otherwise determined to pursue his ideals, seeing a right track now with Woods' riches.