Lillikoi's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

King-Monhwa Global Rules
-Hi friends! I have no rules set by me regarding designs created by me, only requests that be followed out of respect for my works ^^ You can:

-Commercialize any designs made by me, unless collaborated, you must get permission from the other party involved and have their ok.

-Sell for more than you purchased for, I will not monitor pricing on designs, I simply request that you keep it within reason.

-Use my designs to make breedables/babies off of

-make NSFW/Anthro/Human designs, I don't care what you do as long as you're respectful to others and myself ^^!

-Change designs to best fit your comfort, just please always make sure the original is visible if sold/traded

-Change species, Most of my designs are kematas, I simply request that you allow the new owner (if sold/traded/gifted) to have the option to keep them as a kemata, regardless of how many hands it exchanges.

You may not:

-use my art in NFT, or any thing associated with it

-Steal my art

-edit my art without asking (please feel free to ask, I save all my sai files like a little hoard *sobs*)

-Claim you created the design

-If you see something not listed feel free to DM me ^^ I'm very nice and won't bite and am happy to clear up any questions you may have!

-TLDR. Do whatever you want, you paid/traded/recieved this design from me or someone else, it is yours to do as you see fit c:!