STLR / Straßenläufer



7 months, 14 days ago


STLR "Straßenläufer" / Roadrunner
Prokektor, Pursuit & Capture Specialist
201cm - 6'6" 

Possessing a lightweight frame and unique leg units that have been designed for enhanced mobility during field operations, STLR units are experts at providing a rapid response to any situations where there isn't the proper time to be able to scramble a STAR-STCR cadre for one reason or another, and to swiftly intercept, apprehend--and to promptly subdue any targets evading Protektor custody. Due to their specially-designed limber frame, alongside their innate swiftness and flexibility, STLR units are the optimal choice for any close-quarter engagements with targets of interest, being able to quickly close the gap and scale any obstacles between them and the target that they're tasked with capturing.

In terms of their personality, STLR units can easily be described as being often insufferable to deal with, as they have an albeit justifiably arrogant and smug attitude, often deliberately being overtly theatric to their compatriots--whilst simultaneously mainting an attentive, graceful and analytic demeanor. Regardless of the penchant for smug melodramatic "mind games" that STLR units often enjoy doing, STLR units are highly regarded for their uncannily swift, and concise efficiency during their operations--being able to quickly secure an evading subject in only a few short moments with an almost predatory glee.

STLR units possess an inherently stable neural pattern, requiring very little in ways to keep persona degradation at bay. To stabilize, STLR units often perform a session of yoga once every cycle, both as a means to prevent persona degradation, and as a means to maintain their flexibility to be able to operate at a high efficency. Fetish objects for STLR units are kits for nail art.