andy star



7 months, 15 days ago


famous rockstar by day, sadistic serial killer by night

arrogant, conceited, thrill-seeking, entitled, aggressive, disrespectful, not as smart as he thinks he is

self-obsessed and self-assured, andy star craves the spotlight and attention from his hordes of admirers. he performs less for the sake of the craft and more for the fame and adoration it brings him. by night he kills for the thrill and rush of it, the admiration of his fans still not enough to sate his thrill-seeking. the attention his killings get in the news and from the true crime community doesn’t hurt either.

he believes he deserves to get anything he wants and that he’s earned the right go do whatever he wants because he’s famous and beloved. the type of guy to go ‘do you know who i am?’. he values being adored and loved over anything else, even other things he cares about, like his friendships.

50, he/him, draft horse, cis, gay