
7 months, 22 days ago


Lv. 18
brionne.png #729 - Brionne Water Dark
HP 42 Speed 28
Attack 32 Defense 32
Sp. Atk 36 Sp. Def 37
Jolly nature. Somewhat vain.
Ability: Torrent Held Item: None
Pound Normal
Physical - Power: 40 - Accuracy: 100%
The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
Water Gun Water
Special - Power: 40 - Accuracy: 100%
The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
Disarming Voice Fairy
Special - Power: 40 - Accuracy: --%
Letting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.
Icy Wind Ice
Special - Power: 55 - Accuracy: 95%
The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This also lowers opposing Pokémon’s Speed stats.

I can finally do what I want!

The Main Square of the Tides settlement is usually hustling and bustling with those in the group that are going through their daily motions, but no days are busier than when Marc is performing at the center of it all. Their act is miming and they enjoy doing it more than they seem, since their act is more of a neutral or melancholy style. At least for now.

Marc's favorite part of his work is invoking an emotional response, and making others feel ways that he feels when he performs. When he joined the Tides, he was in the worst part of his life, unable to perform the way he wanted to, and now that he was able to do something that he wanted to do, he uses his art to express his emotions that hes never been able to before. While he is quiet, as mimes tend to be, he does speak around others when he's not performing, and only in the comfort of a home- he would never want to ruin the magic of his art by speaking when in character or in public. He is a kind, warm-hearted Popplio with a lot of repressed emotion that needs to get out before he feels fulfilled.

During a particularly harrowing and emotionally draining show, Marc knew he couldn't keep this up. It was hurting him, he was tired of performing to evoke a response similar to his own in his struggles. He wanted, craved even, the smiles of those around him, the smiles he's seen many different kinds of performers invoke. He wanted that so badly. Suddenly, a shimmering light started near his core and spread out, stretching over his body and forcing him to close his eyes. When he opened them, he saw that he had evolved into a Brionne, and with it came the excitable energy he had been missing all these months. He vowed, starting here and now, that he would only perform for other's joy and live to see the smiles on the faces of all who watched his shows.