


7 months, 23 days ago


  • in short Ari
  • 18 years old
  • they/them ey/em
  • one day older than Elian
  • adopted
  • Nerd into his people's culture, loves learning about his world and discovering new things about it. he's ambitious perfectionist that is capable of everything that he puts his mind into, the only thing he's missing so far is magic. it seems like he has no abilities of this sort. he doesn't express many emotions but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any or doesn't have times when it's clear how he's feeling. his biggest desperate dream is to become protector of Lleminus and due to his throughout research and determination he believes he'll become one on his 18th birthday even tho he has no magical abilities, after all he wouldn't be the only one who got to be protector without powers later getting them after being chosen by Mecha. He also tends to be jealous of everyone having magic and not knowing how to use it *cough cough* of his best friend and brother *cough*