


7 months, 8 days ago

Basic Info

Initial Timeframe

Imagination Age (2345 - Present / 2350s)

Full Name

Roselyn Sanna

Race / Species

Snake (Green anaconda)


30 ft (9 m, relative tail length)

Gender / Pronouns

Female (She/her)



Psionic Elements

BLUE (Water) | BLACK (Darkness/Necromancy)


Laid back, rational, free-flowing, mediator.

Common Traits / Habits

Albinism, always wears a snapback hat.

Theme Song

Sheesh - Surfaces


Link to the theme song

A few years before the Imagination Age, at the Venezuelan side of the Orinoco Basin, there were two sisters who were born and formerly raised for survival, especially as in their early childhood, they had to deal with the issue of defending themselves from smugglers or otherwise the ongoing crisis of deforestation within the Amazon. 

Just as their homes were about to be destroyed by loggers, a bunch of zoologists would begin to protect and otherwise save the lives of the two anacondas. One appeared natural, and the other born albino through genetic mutation.  As unfortunate as it is being forced to leave their original homes, they also lose what would've been their original family. 

Though they wouldn't remember anything else outside of having to move from Venezuela to what would appear to be a zoo in New York; the Central Park Zoo, they seemed to have made themselves home within the zoo; as it was basically a small sanctuary for exotic animals such as the two anacondas. 

As they both grew older, both would show their personalities as they prepared for naturalization, with Shirona (the natural-skinned anaconda) bleaching her hair blonde out to express herself, and Roselyn (the albino anaconda) putting on a hat that she'd keep as a memory of what could've been her family. Once the Imagination Age had begun, the two would be born ready for the American dream, ready to explore the world and make do with what they have as foster sisters.