Eri MacNiel



8 years, 5 months ago


Code By lowkeywicked


Role: Backroom I.T.
Origin: Solace
Height: 5' 8"
Build: Sinewy and Taut
Demeanor: Caustic
  • Predictability
  • Computers and AIs
  • Projects
  • People
  • Interruptions
  • Ignorance



"What makes their intelligence 'Artificial' anyway?"

Eri is a 29 year old who works at a used electronics store. She's not a big fan of most people, and that's putting it nicely. So, she can be easily described as a misanthrope. Though, truthfully, Eri's surly demeanor stretches further than just her interactions with people. She's incredibly cynical, which often means she expects the worst outcomes of situations.

Due to these personality traits, she rarely works at the counter, or even in the front of the store. Instead, she can be typically found in the back dealing with the store's inventory or performing maintenance on the various gadgets also stored there. Sometimes, you can also hear her yelling at the mess of wires as she tries to untangle them.

While she is incredibly caustic to other humans, Eri treats most AI rather pleasantly. In fact, she treats them better than most people. This stretches all the way to her regarding and talking to all AI as if they are fully sentient. If she is ever doing any IT work with one, she takes care of them more as a sick person, rather than a broken machine. Most people who see her interact with any AIs find this rather bizarre. But, she gets her job done, and done well. So, it is rare that anyone actually makes commentary on the matter.

Eri owns several AIs. Though, she would describe it as 'takes care of' or 'lives with'. They include Gregory, Pan, Xera, Eva, (Al), Seba 'Sharkie' and, of course, Adella, Tim, and Dally. She has also kept Torry's hardware around, even if he cannot function anymore. Each one has sort of taken over particular 'jobs' around the store and in Eri's life.

Almost no-one is aware of it. But, legally, Eri doesn't exist. More accurately, she has been classified as dead for several years. 'Suspiciously' it is exactly as long as she has been working at the 2nd-Hand shop in town.


Eri's life can be broken up into timespans that are almost like chapters. Each one defined by a particular trait or event. Several of these were when she was quite young. Though, a few more have happened more recently.

Early Childhood

Eri was always a bit of an odd child, and never particularly social. As Eri grew up, her School Teachers and other adults in her life became worried about her behavior. She grew increasingly introverted, which initially did not concern anyone. However, it continued to grow until she was almost actively avoiding interaction with other people. When she was asked if there was any reason why, her answer was always the same. She just didn't feel like it, or just didn't want to. It wasn't from any particular dislike of humanity (at least, not yet). Ultimately, due to her apathy, this trait stuck with her into adulthood and can even be described as one of her more defining personality traits.

It can also be said that it is possible that Eri's anti-social behavior can find its roots in how she was raised. Outside of school, she was raised by a single mother. Her mother was often busy, and would barely stay at home for any length of time. Instead, Eri's mother used several AI to both keep Eri entertained and help her with various tasks. It could easily be said that Eri interacted with these AI more than her mother. In fact, it might not even be an exaggeration to say that Eri learned how to use computers before she learned how to fully interact with people. Because of this, how she interacts with AIs, and how she interacts with humans, is extremely similar.

When Eri was around 8 years old, she began to 'teach herself' how to create simple programs. It was something that went unnoticed for some time, given that she didn't reference any books, notes, or other documents. She did not even ask any working programmers for help. Instead, she directly asked the AIs that her mom used to take care of her about their programs. She was curious what their side of the world looked like. Afterall, it had to look different. They could think faster than humans, and they saw the world through cameras. This actually excited the AIs they owned immensely, and they eagerly taught her what the various programs looked like to them. And, while she didn't understand why, Eri knew that she would get in trouble if people knew about it. So, she also kept it secret.

The Mistake

It was when she made a mistake in a set of code she was making that she was discovered. Eri was roughly 15 when this happened. Her mistake caused one of the AI that watched her to become Glitched, and then to shut down. Eri panicked, and instantly began pulling out everything she had in an attempt to fix it- everything from old hardware she had collected, to old bits of code she had written weeks, or even years, before the incident. Eri's mother returned, however, before Eri could fix the error.

Eri's mother quickly figured out, at least in a general sense, what had happened. It wasn't hard, Eri was yelling very loudly- desperately asking the other AIs to open her old files, or if those files had done anything. The loud crashing from her dragging out, and tearing apart, her collection of miscellaneous old computer parts, hardware, and other bits. Her mother found her in tears, still panicking and still trying to fix Torry. Ultimately, he couldn't be fixed. Eri kept, and still has, his hardware, though.

After the incident that caused Torry to Glitch, both Eri and her mother were heavily investigated. The detectives were especially interested in finding out how Eri had managed to learn what she had, and only grew moreso as they struggled to find the answer. This caused the investigation to become rather lengthy- and almost every single aspect of Eri's life was examined in an attempt to locate who had taught her or where she had gotten her information. However, the only things they managed to locate were the small pieces of code that Eri had written over the years. During this time, they even directly asked Eri these questions. But, Eri stubbornly refused to tell them the source, believing that they would end up deleting the others if they found out the true source.

When they didn't turn up anything besides what they already knew, they decided to investigate her mother again, this time more thoroughly. During this part of the investigation, Eri and her mother were forcefully moved. They were relocated to an apartment complex that was usually set aside for programmers of Lotus Industries. This was mainly done so that Security could keep a closer eye on Eri, herself. But, also so that it was easier to investigate her mother. Ironically, this caused her mother to be away from the house even more than she had been before, which only gave Eri more time to do research and to learn. While she hesitated at first, still shaken from what had happened, the Others convinced her to do just that.


Finally, the intensity of the investigation began to subside, since they hadn't gained any new information during their entire search. It had been a long time, almost 2 years, and Eri was now almost 17. She was considered a prodigy of sorts. Afterall, she was seeming to learn everything without any source of information. Because of her growing skills, she was eventually given her own K-Model, who she named Gregory.

Originally, the other AI in the house were suspicious of Gregory. He had been given to Eri directly from Lotus Industries, afterall. So, he was initially kept out of the loop of what was going on. Eri only spent time with him when she played games, and she only used him in particular areas of the apartment. However, he was the newest out of all of them, and eventually Eri began to ask him questions about the newer pieces of tech that had come out. After that, it wasn't hard for him to figure out what everyone else had not- where Eri was getting her information.

Everyone was greatly relieved when, just like the others when Eri was little, Gregory was excited to discover that this was how Eri had been learning how to code. With some help from Eri as well, the other AIs combed through every string of code that Gregory's programs had. After deciding he had no hidden monitoring-strings, Gregory was also roped into helping teach Eri.

Shortly after Eri turned 17, she was offered the equivalent of an internship at Lotus Industries, something that her mother accepted on her behalf. At first, Eri was extremely concerned that it was a ploy to investigate her further. However, after several months of doing nothing but paperwork, Eri and the others decided that it was probably not the case. While Eri worked as an intern, Eri's mother gave her Pan, so that she could talk with her more often. This did not, however, improve Eri's attitude on that particular matter. But, she did become great friends with Pan, and put him in charge of her music.

As soon as Eri was 18 she was offered a job, and subsequently hired, by Lotus Industries.


When Eri turned 18 she was hired by Lotus Industries, making her a Legal Programmer. She worked at Lotus for quite a few years after that, the entire time continuing to learn more from Gregory and the others. During this time, she also 'adopted' Sharkie and Xera, both of whom also eventually assisted her.

Years at Lotus

During her earliest years at Lotus Industries Eri did little more than simple paperwork, much like she had done as an intern. She was actually quite frustrated because it had been implied that she would be allowed to do programming work if she got hired. Almost half a year after she was hired, however, she was directly assigned to a lead of one of Lotus Industries' current projects at the time. Along with this, she was also given (Avg Laptop's Name), a K-Model AI specifically designed for business work.

Unlike she had hoped, her new boss did not primarily have her help with any of the programming. Though, she did assist with small tasks, and wrote a few small pieces occasionally. It was something that made her slightly less annoyed that she still was primarily doing paperwork for the Lead. Though there was one other thing that also made her slightly less annoyed at the paperwork. Sometimes, he would have her search for, and fetch, certain pieces of hardware from storage.

It was always fascinating down there. In the past, Eri hadn't been particularly interested in most hardware. But, the stuff that they kept in the back was ancient. Heck, Eri couldn't tell what most of the gadgets and gizmos were supposed to do, let alone if they still worked. Unfortuneately, she wasn't allowed to go digging through the old junk like she wanted. Whenever she was down there, she was always on the clock, sent after something being kept there that was much newer, and less interesting. Thus, needed to be quick.

After she had been helping the Lead for about a year and a half, Eri finally caved to her curiosity and asked him if she could be allowed to dig through the other things kept down there. She was ecstatic when he said that, as long as she finished any assigned work and didn't cause any trouble, he couldn't care less if she wanted to dig through the other old, dismantled, and presumably broken, hardware they kept in the basement.

That day, as soon as she had completed all of her jobs, Eri rushed down and began digging through every piece of scrap she could find.

Her boss had been right, most of the stuff in the basement was, indeed, completely broken. But, she only kept finding more bizarre pieces of tech that she couldn't identify, and pieces that clearly used to go to machines that were much larger. It was things like that which only made her more curious. So, she kept investigating the strange gadgets that were stored down there.

As Eri continued to work, she continued to dig deeper and deeper into the hoard of junk that Lotus had hidden away. She began tinkering with some of it, creating several advanced (portable) holo-projecters that her AIs could use and that she began wearing them everywhere. She also continued to upgrade them as she continued to use them. Some of these upgrades were even used by Lotus, and integrated into modern projector designs. After she created these designs, Eri was actually encouraged to look through the old hardware and tinker with it. She was even allowed to modify any coding that they might contain, a suggestion that was made even stronger by them giving her another AI (Sharkie) to assist her in any of those projects.

Eri was excited. It had taken working at Lotus for more than 3 years. But, she was now allowed to work on her own programming projects. It made her even more excited that she had almost completely skipped over needing to help others with their projects. Along with her bosses' encouragement, it was something that caused her to both dive even further into the oddities that lay in the storage, and to create her own.

She worked on these sorts of projects for the remainder of the time she worked at Lotus Industries. It was also because of these projects that she decided to leave.

Eri discovered a large number of old, and abandoned, projects. Most of them were long broken, or were never going to work in the first place. She laughed at those ones. But, in the darkest rooms was where she found the truly bizarre gadgets. Most of those looked like they had been dismantled. What made them unsettling, though, was their shapes and that several of their pieces seemed to have been purposefully broken after they had been taken apart. There were small ones that seemed to have been made for people wear. But, not like the projectors she had made. No, these seemed to attach diretly to whoever wore them. It was the same story for a few large machines as well. They looked as if someone was supposed to lie or sit in them.

Ultimately, including her Internship, Eri ended up spending roughly 6 years working for Lotus Industries.

Unlike a lot of programmers, Eri ended up leaving Lotus Industries fairly early. Not only was that action strange in-and-of itself, but her age made it even more suspicious. Eri was quite aware of how strange it would look, especially given her history with Security and others. It meant that she had to do more than just 'retire' then leave.

It was when Eri quit that she tore through any servers and drives there were, not only looking for any data that Lotus had gathered up on her over the years, but for any information at all. She deleted every piece she found, and even looked used the servers she found to look for others. If she couldn't manage to delete a file without causing damage, she edited it. In the process, she made herself either vanish from existence entirely, or appear to be dead (depending on which set of files were being examined).

According to these files, she has been dead for 7 years.

After that, she ran, leaving everything except for her AIs behind. She stayed for short periods in both Asphodel and Arcadia before finally moving to Bedlam. When she initially fled, Eri wished that she could just immediately run there. However, given its small population, Eri suspected that she would be found almost instantly if she headed directly there. So, she waited until they had finished searching the town. It gave her time to, with the help of the others, throw together some data and a false ID to hide herself further.

The data is fairly complicated, and can easily be changed on a whim (something she does fairly regularly out of paranoia).

Current Life

Eri now lives in Elysium's Town of Bedlam. There she works at, and lives in, a 2nd-Hand Electronics shop named Perennial Systems. It primarily sells Hardware, and she spends most of the time in the back of the store, organizing inventory, and untangling the numerous wires also stored there. She doesn't leave the store much, either, and definitely doesn't go far even when she does.

She has continued to study, occasionally updating and improving Pan along with the others. She has also kept up with various technological advancements. Though, she hasn't picked up any new AI after leaving Lotus.



[ Friend ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Pan (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)

[ Little-Brother ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue.



[ Older-Brother ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue.



[ Neighbor ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue.



[ Mother-like ] Eri always treated Adella as a mother-figure. This was only strengthened over the years as Eri's biological mother was absent from the house more and more, and for longer periods of time.



[ Sister ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue.



[ Classmate ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue.



[ Teacher ] (Whatever the hell is closer than 'Adult Stranger' and possibly even closer than a Teacher, but definitely further than an actual parent).



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.