


7 months, 17 days ago


  • Kovos

  • Birthday April 23rd
  • gender Male
  • Species Canine
  • Breed Border Collie
  • theme

Intelligent • mischievous • energetic


"I have run 10 miles a day, every day, for 18 years. That’s 65 thousand miles. A third of the way to the moon. My goal is to run to the moon."

Kovos is an energetic, loving Border Collie. He finds awe everywhere and is never afraid for a new adventure. Walking, swimming, and classes are all enjoyments for Kovos. 

He is exceptionally smart and learns quickly. Kovos has earned his trick dog novice and is preparing for passing his CGC. He also has started foundations in agility, flyball, conformation, and rally-o. We also plan on herding. Kovos was intended as a sporting Border Collie - I cannot wait to see what his future holds. 

He is named after one of the demonic sigils in the game "Mortuary Assistant".

 "The world's my gymnasium, Ron!" 

weight 30lbs

build fluffy, athletic

pronouns He/Him

s.o. n/a

dob April 23rd

sign Taurus

origin Connecticut

occupation Being a cute puppy

Age 8 Months

demeanor                                  Intelligent, Mischievous, Playful, Energetic

tarot content

element $$$

obtained July 2023

value $$$


  • Toys
  • Off-Leash Time
  • Training Classes
  • All Food


  • Kennel Time
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???


Kovos was born in a litter of three, consisting of himself, a male, and female. His breeder intended for him to go into an active sporting home, as she saw his potential from a young age. We discussed him over the phone in Alaska, but when I met Kovos in Connecticut, I was immediately in love. He had the drive and everything I was looking for in my next dog. 

With Me

Kovos travelled around Maine and New England - enjoying time at the beach, in the woods, and playing in the pool. He flew up with me all the way from Maine to Alaska with no issues. 

In his new home, we began training classes, settling, and tricks. Kovos was able to quickly earn his TKN and excelled in his classes. He continues to attend various classes as he begins setting up for sports. 


Chimney Ridge's House of Invidious TKN



[ "Brother" ] Kovos is a male Border Collie who resides with Ember. They love to play, walk, and explore with each other. Kovos brings out Ember's playful side; the two are always up to something!



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