Ketras Nipip



6 years, 2 months ago


"I'm exhausted."

Name: Ketras Nipip of clans Murnig and Strakein
Extra Names: Yehik, Umser-Saltor, Garnus, Misvia Wrofi, Fensany, Nassnyss
Age: 46, young adult in gnomish society
Zodiac: ♑ sun / ♋ rising
Gender: neutral, they/them
Sexuality: hasnt found the right person yet
Height: 3'6", about average
Build: a very soft and thick log, 44 lbs
Race: Forest Gnome, with Hill Dwarf blood
Class: moon circle druid
Demeanour: direct and informal, but sensitive
Alignment: neutral/chaotic good
Languages: common, gnomish, dwarvish, and druidic
Board: 🌿

A talented druid currently keeping a low profile out in the world, Ketras was born from the unusual marriage between the gnomish clan Murnig and the dwarven clan Strakein. Their mothers, an acolyte gnome of a neutral nature deity and a highly respected dwarven druid of the moon, were always encouraging and supportive of Ketras' affinity for the natural world, and when Ketras was of age they were initiated into their mother's druid circle as an apprentice.

Following several years of honing their skills, and more encouragement from their mothers, they became an independent adult druid and set out on a mission to locate a wildlife sanctuary and watch over it as part of their final step in their apprenticeship training. While they succeeded in finding a forest to care for along with their kakapo companion, and kept in close touch with their parents by mail, in their current story they lost their sanctuary to a mysterious force capable of decimating the entire area in a day. They greatly miss their home, and their forest, and their quest is to find what's responsible and bring it down for good.

  • asking way too many questions
  • drawing
  • nature, especially animals
  • being able to get mail from their parents
  • egotistical assholes
  • environmental mistreatment
  • being touched by strangers
  • needing to be indirect

Ketras' two mothers, a well respected dwarven druid and a gnomish acolyte of a nature deity, raised Ketras surrounded by druidic imagery and magic in a secluded forest area. They grew up comfortable being alone for long periods with an understanding that the natural world is full of life and to respect all of it, even making use of their gnomish affinity for animals to make small friends, of whom Takahoa, their kakapo, has stuck with them for all of their adventures. They were always attracted to the arts, often sketching forestscapes, animals, and herbs, as well as keeping multiple journals, and learning to play the lyre. They continue to hope someday they'll attend a bardic college, but expect they'll be uncomfortable with all the people.

In their adolescent years the druidic lifestyle called to them, and they began asking to learn about druid magic, and they became much closer to their druidic mother in this period as they went with her on trips out into the wilderness and she taught them how to perform basic duties. When they were old enough to be accepted into a druid circle and start on the path, they entered already quite knowledgeable and mature but unused to dealing with communities and it left them a bit out of the loop in some ways. They entered their official druidic training shortly after, and left their childhood home to find a forest to bond with and care for.

They set themself up as a local guide for travellers looking to pass through without harm, their prickly and protective demeanour making them rather displeased with trespassers, and became known throughout the area over the course of several years. They learned their skills as an outlander guide here, recognizing memorization talents and honing their personal ideals as they spent their days meditating and exploring, occasionally caring for the wildlife and learning more about the ways life runs its course. They kept close contact with their parents all the while, and habitually write letters to them often.

Shortly before their scheduled initiation into the circle proper, their forest was totally destroyed by a large forest fire, one Ketras believes to be caused by some sort of threat, and they set out on an adventurer's quest to find and deal with the source. Their kakapo is their sole consistent companion, and they cooperate poorly in rowdy groups, but their determination is stronger than their discomfort in urban areas and teams, so they've continued to press onwards.



[ close companion ] Takahoa is a fantasy kakapo that's perhaps a bit younger than Ketras, and the two have been together since they were young. She's a nonmagical animal, but as a forest gnome Ketras can to speak with her for a second perspective on things. She's often a bit sarcastic but understanding, and she enjoys being a consistent exception to Ketras' touch aversion.
