Smokey Collier



10 months, 20 days ago


Smokey collier

Basic Info
NameSmokey Collier

AliasShikigami Hero: Ghost

BirthdayJuly 4

Age15 -> 16 ->17



Hair ColorBlack

Eye ColorBlue

Blood TypeB

QuirkFog Creation


AffiliationShiketsu Class 1A


Fighting StyleRanged

  • Musical Instruments
  • New York Yankees
  • Record Players
  • Blue Jeans
  • Cadillacs
  • Social gatherings
  • People assuming he's shy
  • Spaghetti
  • Hot Weather
  • Breaking guitar strings








  • Smokey is good at playing instruments
  • He is the only biological child in his family
  • He is Latino
  • Wouldn't consider himself to be popular, but has a lot of friends.
  • His hobby is fixing up old vintage cars
  • Similar personality to Giyuu Tomioka






Quirk: Swirl

Swirl: Smokey has the ability to create a thick, smoke like smog by exhaling. At times, he can create clones of himself. He's able to hide amongst this smoke, and it makes the opponent dizzy if they get trapped in it. 

  • Shikigami-Can create a smoke of different types of animals
  • Cloud Cover- Creates a thick cloud where one can't really see except for the user
Super Moves
  • Smokey Special- Uses cloud cover to conceal the area and throw off the enemy, then distracts them with Shikigami before doing his attack.
  • Inhaler -Uses this to relax his airway.
  • Equipment - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
"It's mint."

Smokey is cool, and mostly quiet. He's slightly shy in all actuality, and just doesn't like talking much in general. He's kind and caring, and is noted to have a pretty good sense of humor and can be quite funny. Despite being pretty quiet, Smokey has a lot of people who like to be around him. This can be due to him being a little more talkative to people he's a bit friendlier with and also because he's just relaxing to be around. A lot of the time it seems like he has his head in the clouds because he's almost always analyzing and thinking about things. He enjoys making music, mainly beats with his drums and guitar.

He is the middle child out of his siblings. He tries to keep everyone in check, by making sure Carson isn't taking on too much responsibility and Poogie and is doing okay. Despite not being blood related to his brother, the thought hardly ever crosses his mind and when it does, it's more of a shock to remember that they aren't blood related. He doesn't seem to care, and respects Carson as his parents first born son.

Smokey is handsome. With light skin, somewhat slanted almond shaped gray eyes, and messy black hair. He has a nose piercing on his left nostril. He's never smiling and suffers from a chronic case of Resting Bitch Face. It's rare to see a smile, but his brothers swear they've seen it before. Smokey is about average height. Like other Shiketsu students, he wears a school uniform. He wears the same white collared shirt and dark pants like the rest of the students, as well as the signature hat whether he's in uniform or costume. Smokey has two black hope earrings in each ear as well as a matching nose piercing he has with his brother.

His casual clothing is an assortment of blue, sweaters, and slightly baggy clothes.


Smokey was born to parents who were happily awaiting his arrival. After getting married they quickly decided that they were ready for a child. They're met with a surprise when his mother takes in an abandoned baby at the hospital she's working at when she's a few weeks shy of giving birth. She officially takes him in a few days later and decides to raise him. He's welcomed to the family alongside Smokey, who grows up with the baby, Carson, as siblings. They spend most of their time together in their younger years, mostly doing everything together. They bond over music, and even have a band when they're young kids. 

When Smokey is around five years old, his family welcomes another sibling, Poogie. Poogie, technically Smokey's cousin as he was born to his aunt and uncle is raised as his little brother.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.