Artist Freakshow



7 months, 13 days ago


Artist Freakshow

name Artist Freakshow
age Late 20s
gender Female (She/Her)
height 5'10
race Human
birthday 11/11
star sign Scorpio
occupation Former Assassin

Artist Freakshow, otherwise known as Bailey Hernandez, was born in the 1980s, where the Cold War was reaching its more 'peaceful' times. She was abandoned at a young age, resulting her fending for herself for a few years. Sooner or later, an assassin group would take her in and train her at a young age.

AFS took her job very seriously, despite being way too young for it. Even though she couldn't be hired by clients yet, she stiil took pride in her work and training from her other members.

Years later, she's found herself on the run and all alone again.

Now she just bunks in the woods by herself, waiting for her next potential clients and victims.


  • Her real name is Bailey Hernandez, who is of Mexican-American origin.
  • Her birthday is on November 11th.
  • Her favorite food is Cheese Enchiladas.
  • She was an assassin for over a decade without going noticed.
  • Her parents' fates are unknown.
Design Notes

  • Covered in paint & blood
  • Muted orange tips
  • Broken mask on right side of face
  • Very sneaky / Hides in the shadows well
  • No eye shines!

November 11th was the day Bailey Hernandez was born. Her parents loved her!...for as long as they had her. Unfortunately, they realized they didn't have the money and time to have a child, so they wrapped her up, put her in a basket with some food, and sent her off to live on the streets. And that's exactly what she did until the age of 7.

A woman with long, brown hair in a tight ponytail approaches her, asking her where her mother was. Bailey explains her mother has gone somewhere and hasn't seen her in a while, and the woman feels disheartened. She picks her up and takes her into the hospital for treatment. During her time in the hospital, Bailey loved to paint. That was plenty of entertainment for the young one, surprisingly.

Years later, the woman has trained Bailey into becoming an assassin with her group of 'killer' friends. Bailey's daily life until 18 was eat, drink, train, sleep, repeat. Now, it's eat, drink, kill targets for clients, sleep repeat. Her life was going great; she now calls the brunette woman 'Mama' and perceives her and the rest of the group as family. However, one day, it takes a turn for the worse. "Put your hands in the air!" SWAT members say outside. Her entire group, including herself, was ratted out. Bailey stood there, not knowing what to do. She had no weapons on her. There were only old paint supplies in the nearby storage closet. She looked and looked until she found a large bucket of red paint and some brushes with wooden handles. She then got an idea.

Kill. Kill, is what she did. The police were here for the group, right? Mama told her she had to kill the 'bad people' in order to save others. So that's what she did. She sharpened the ends of the wooden brushes, blinded everyone inside with the red paint, and stabbed them all in the head. She then grabbed the remaining art supplies, food and water, and ran off to the unknown, leaving not a trace behind other than a part of one of the assassin's group's mask.