Rose Brimstone



7 months, 17 days ago


The Hero of this story. I made her when I was 12 so... she has a tragic backstory of course. She lived with her parents and sister on the outskirts of her fathers elven village and they taught her how to wield a sword and a dagger. She lived with them till the Diety of Life's current incarnation swept through the town in a wave of blood. Life's incarnation is all about surving, staying alive. Think mad scientist watching lab rats struggle after trying to see which poison is the most painful way to die. Life is currently a mad scientist hellbent of obtaining true immortality, through any means necessary. But like... got the whole, town goes out in flames and she watches her parents be slaughtered and vows revenge yada yada yada. Hungry and terrified she escapes the wreckage of her village with her sister and takes her parents weapons, they are very dear to her and reminders of her ultimate goal. Her sister eventually dies of eating poisonous plants they find out in the nearby forests. Rose falls into despair and almost dies of hunger. She is found by her master and is kind of adopted into the company of mercenaries. She grows up learning from her master as well.

She stumbles upon Iyla's sanctuary in her dreams and her resolve is tested. Rose passes, becomes a champion and Iyla becomes her patron.

Rose has a natural afinity to fire magic, by virtue of her mother's draconic blood. She eventually gains enough power to become a dragon. Dragons are the most powerful sentients in the world, and it is this level of power that allows her to defeat Life and get them to finally move on to a new existence. Most Aspects take the form of great beasts, generally dragons. Iyla as an Aspect is weird because she doesn't have a great beast form, she is always just a human looking witch.

Rose has a very go lucky vibe, her hardships have taught her kindness. The cost of learning that was high, and she was not always kind. 

Rose's party dynamics fall fairly neatly into: Rose is the hero and the leader, Fawn is the muscle, Ari is the lancer, Nymer is the smart guy and Lilith is the heart. They do kind of change that up a bit depending on who's characters are being focused on. 

Nymer is pretty knowledgeable of everything, and is quick to leverage her silver tongue to everyones benefit. Fawn is stoic and just strong.... Hulk smash! Ari is the edgy loner sasuke to Rose's go lucky, hopeful naruto vibes. Ari is also not a competent leader and theres the whole arc of please stop being a jerk to people, because you can do and learn better. Lilith is the last party member introduced but she is the teams peace keeper, diplomat and cook. 

Each party member also has a distinct colour scheme, Rose is Red and White, Ari is Blue and Gold, Fawn is Green and Earthy tones, Nymer is Purple and Copper/Orange, and Lilith is Black and Silver.